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I am having trouble pulling the front end up and doing manuals. if i hop up on to the back wheel and then give a pedal kick i can manual for maybe 8-10m. But when i try to start from a rolling start i cant get the front end high enough, even if i go stupidly hard at it i cant get the front up and go straight of the back, if that makes sense.

I have a fairly flat stem angle 10 degrees, which i like for side hops, but wonder if a stem with more angle might be the answer? any advice or things i could try before i go out and buy a new stem?

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A higher front end would help (either higher rise bars or stem) but first try using your body weight more. While you're rolling along gently throw your weight forward a bit and then immediately throw your weight backwards as you yank your bars and haul the front wheel up. It's kind of hard to describe but you want to use the momentum of your upper body travelling back to pull the front wheel up.

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A higher front end would help (either higher rise bars or stem) but first try using your body weight more. While you're rolling along gently throw your weight forward a bit and then immediately throw your weight backwards as you yank your bars and haul the front wheel up. It's kind of hard to describe but you want to use the momentum of your upper body travelling back to pull the front wheel up.

Thanks for the advice, will give it ago as soon as the ice melts a bit !!!

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I find that throwing your weight back is not as important as how you use your legs obviously they both play a part though.

As you throw your weight back bend your knees a little and as the front leaves the ground kick you legs out to push the back wheel through and under the front as if you are trying to loop out.

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It IS worth noting you can make a bike impossible to manual.

My mate, bendy on here, had a zhi that was impossible to bunnyhop.

I seriously tried so hard to do it but it wasn't doing it.

So yeah, having a bike that's impossible to do it on won't help, because you can't do it even if you can do it. :ermm:

So maybe try on someone else's bike to see if you can do it even a bit, you may want to tilt your bars back then or slap some stem stackers in there.

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It IS worth noting you can make a bike impossible to manual.

My mate, bendy on here, had a zhi that was impossible to bunnyhop.

I seriously tried so hard to do it but it wasn't doing it.

So yeah, having a bike that's impossible to do it on won't help, because you can't do it even if you can do it. :ermm:

So maybe try on someone else's bike to see if you can do it even a bit, you may want to tilt your bars back then or slap some stem stackers in there.

This is a thought but if you get used to a bike you will still be able to do it it will just be harder

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