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Hs33 2005 Or 2011 Info Please....


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Hi Guys,

Firstly sorry to bore you all with another HS33 question, i did a quick search but could not find the info i was after so here goes...

Im looking to get some HS33's for my Onza Zoot 24" can anyone advise..

1. Should i go for HS33 2005's or the new 2011? (price not really an issue as theres not much in it) Or even the HS11........ im confused.com :blink:

2. Is there any other option for brake adapters apart ffrom EVO 2's or are these good and upto the job? (they look a little flimsy in pics compared to some beefy V brake boosters..)

3. Whats the best pads for a non ground rim?

Thanks in advance!


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Hi Guys,

Firstly sorry to bore you all with another HS33 question, i did a quick search but could not find the info i was after so here goes...

Im looking to get some HS33's for my Onza Zoot 24" can anyone advise..

1. Should i go for HS33 2005's or the new 2011? (price not really an issue as theres not much in it) Or even the HS11........ im confused.com :blink:

2. Is there any other option for brake adapters apart ffrom EVO 2's or are these good and upto the job? (they look a little flimsy in pics compared to some beefy V brake boosters..)

3. Whats the best pads for a non ground rim?

Thanks in advance!


If you are riding a 24" then I take it you'll be doing some street.......

If you are doing street why go v-brakes, with some heat sink brake pads and a nice grind.

'cos if you doin tail whips one day you might rip out your hose out (like me).

But if you doing 'normal' TGS, then get any old HS33 ('cos they are all good).

I'm not sure about the evo adapters though so I can't help you there.

For brake pads look 'ere.

Or get some of these or these.


Edited by Cresswell_d
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Hi Guys,

Firstly sorry to bore you all with another HS33 question, i did a quick search but could not find the info i was after so here goes...

Im looking to get some HS33's for my Onza Zoot 24" can anyone advise..

1. Should i go for HS33 2005's or the new 2011? (price not really an issue as theres not much in it) Or even the HS11........ im confused.com :blink:

2. Is there any other option for brake adapters apart ffrom EVO 2's or are these good and upto the job? (they look a little flimsy in pics compared to some beefy V brake boosters..)

3. Whats the best pads for a non ground rim?

Thanks in advance!


Evo 1 mounts are better, the evo 2's cant fit some pads with out the pads needing to be cut down, the evo 1's however can fit all pads. As for the booster, you can use v-brake boosters on both types of evo mounts.

Honestly, go to the pad review section on trials chat near the top of the list for pad questions.

Edited by Kieran Morrison
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If you definately want to stick to maguras then go for the 2011 HS11's, same price as the 2005's and less chance of the lever snapping on you. Don't bother splashing out the extra ££ on 2011 33's!

Nooo, iv ridden a set of the new 2011's and they are so horrible to ride.

Get a 2005 lever with 4 finger blade. They wont snap so long as you modify the lever first.

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Firstly, I have just bought thr 2011 HS33 and its awesome. TPA is much better and more reliable than on the 2005 levers, and the lever blade is very comfortable. It is better than the 2005 HS33 but i dont know if its worth the extra cash.

Secondly, i used to use the evo 2 adaptor, and its fine if you really want to use HS33's, but it makes it fooking solid to set up your pads right.

Hope that helps...... somehow :P

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Thanks for all the info, mixed opinions I see. Based on they all seem good ( and I'm no expert that will even notice the difference) I will probably just go for the hs33's iv also been told the hoses are a little easier to trim down and connect on the 05 33's not sure if true? Thanks again!

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For pads on a smooth rim the ultimate ones are original zoo pads but these are very rare. Someone was selling some on here a few weeks ago.

If not heatsink blues are a softer compound which is ideal for smooth rims, TNN greens are also exceedingly good on a smooth rim even though theyre compound is harder,




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Thanks for all the info, mixed opinions I see. Based on they all seem good ( and I'm no expert that will even notice the difference) I will probably just go for the hs33's iv also been told the hoses are a little easier to trim down and connect on the 05 33's not sure if true? Thanks again!

They should be no different to the 2011 maguras as I'm pretty sure the fittings are all still the same.

Get some 2011 HS11's that come with the evo adaptors for the same price as the 05 ones without!

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