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Front Wheel Hops

David 200909

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Can anyone help me with learning front wheel hops please.

I can do 7 but that's just luck getting the right balance to do that 7. How do you control the balance while up on the front wheel. Do I adjust my body position to keep balanced or do I adjust the bike to keep it under me (i.e. while hoping , if I'm going too far over the front, hop the wheel further out infront of me?)

Thank you.


Edited by David 200909
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if you can do 7 you are well on your way :)

adjusting the bike will involve adjusting your body position ever so slightly, so try not to think about it too much. the two things i found most helpful were:

1. i made the hops a little smaller than i was previously, keeping them more controlled and tryign to keep the hop as a whole body movement

2. i got comfortable with being very close and past the balance point (going forward). by that i mean i practiced going too far and having to bail. when i knew that i could bail with ease, confidence grew and the rest is history!

now working on pivoting on it.....

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