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New Years Resolution.

trials owns

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Yeah more weight for me too, but not like this. And get more muscle.

Meet even more people than I have this year, think my Facebook friends have actually like doubled this year lol.

Get a decent girlfriend rather than silly week flings.

Get riding more than I do now, upgrade my bike exactly how I want it.

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I made mine at the start of the uni year instead, but they haven't all been accomplished so I'm renewing my vows at New Years. The ones in bold are the ones I've been doing well or I'm on track for, the italic ones I kind of have, and the rest went fully out the window.

Get out of bed at 10 latest on weekdays.

Write one short story, and one article per month.

Record one mix per month.

Get to a decent standard of tune production.

Run a regular blog.

Get some tee shirts out again and take it a bit more seriously.

Save a certain undisclosed ammount for travelling.

Travel South America this summer.

Full attendance (within reason) at uni.

Get at least a 2/1 this year.

Start shooting more photos not related to uni again.

Draw more.

Swim at least twice a week.

Start playing football again.

Only bun on weekends

Edited by Max Quinn
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Well seeing as i've just started seeing this girl i've been into for quite a while,

my New years resolution is to quit the weed, and try not to act like a fanny to her.

If i can pull this off from the 1st Jan to June/July time i should be sorted as those are when all my A levels are finished.

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I don't really do resolutions but if I can continue to keep smoking to a once a month basis and cut down a bit on the drinking while still being able to stay sane enough to earn myself a decent wage through fifty6 then I'd be happy.

I also wanna continue my new found love for trials again. Not sure if the missus will let me though, coming home tonight with an extra set of cuts and grazes from todays session and she doesn't really like it!

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Not sure they class as resolutions but they're things I'd like to do.

1. Business related, not really the right place to post this.

2. Finish masters degree but that's going to happen if I want it or not sadly. Frankly I don't give a shit.

3. Secure myself finacially.

4. Finish the M3. Continue with drifting and give time attack a go too.

5. Build up a new 26" trials bike, perhaps also a 24" trials, a mod and get an Inspired as well. Not just for my purpose but for customers to come over and see what different bikes are like.

6. Rebuild my trials obstacle course which has been neglected and started to rot almost 2 years ago.

7. Get myself a proper gf.

8. Main plan for 2011 - go on a driving trip up into the Alps with my dad, onto the south coast of France, then to Buthiers and return through the Nurburgring. Taking bike with me, want to make a natural video of spots we encounter on the way high up in the mountains.

Really looking forward to this. I've spent almost 5 months now preparing for 2011 in order to realise all these plans.

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Mine are:

• Pass or get good grades in my exams

•Ride alot more

•Get a 24 and get my mod and the 24 to the spec I want it at.

• Get my fitness levels up.

• Enter comps

• Enter more motocross races.

Edited by t-comp-kierz
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Besides riding and climbing my life is poor! and I just looked at last years list and barely accomplished anything on it :(

sooo for this years its:

  • Get a Job
  • Finnish off my driving lessons and get my license/car
  • Take a course in tree surgery
  • Move out of parents house
  • Learn my drinking limits
  • Organize a road trip leading up to Tarty Days
  • Climb a large cliff face
  • Loose the belly and get fit/stronger for climbing and trials

Edited by CalopS
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-Get a nice gf that doesen't mind me being on my bike most of the time (tricky one I guess :( )

- Go to bed around 10pm regulary (I usually miss school due to sleeping....)

Just that, difficult enough :P

Edited by Hopping_Topsy
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Have more of a life!

Still be with Mel this time next year.

Get riding and sailing again; got a bike i've ridden once and a beast of a boat which has been out 3 times.

Get DMM at college.

Put more effort into my arty stuff, update that blog Charlie made me do more often...

Finish Bernard and pass my test asap.

Edited by Skoze
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If you're serious about doing something or changing something you don't like about yourself or your life, you'll do it right there and then, having recognised that you don't have forever. You won't wait until a convenient way point to have a half-hearted effort.

How about we dig this thread up in 12 months' time and see how many of you stuck to your 'resolutions'?

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If you're serious about doing something or changing something you don't like about yourself or your life, you'll do it right there and then, having recognised that you don't have forever. You won't wait until a convenient way point to have a half-hearted effort.

How about we dig this thread up in 12 months' time and see how many of you stuck to your 'resolutions'?

Well up for that, because mine are continuations of what I'm already doing. Totally agree with your sentiment there. It's like the people who say "i'll quit smoking after I've finished this pack of fags". NO, do it now, throw the rest away - it's more of a commitment.

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If you're serious about doing something or changing something you don't like about yourself or your life, you'll do it right there and then, having recognised that you don't have forever. You won't wait until a convenient way point to have a half-hearted effort.

How about we dig this thread up in 12 months' time and see how many of you stuck to your 'resolutions'?

Game on. The reason I felt it more fitting to start mine from the start of the academic year was because it was when I'd go back into a different routine after having summer fun so may as well start that routine well.

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