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Thread Stripped!

Dec Whiteoak

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in a word, no

You can try running a tap to clean the threads up, but if they're already stripped then

a ) it won't do anything at all, because there is not enough material to cut new threads with

b ) if you get something that somehow manages to tighten (maybe deepen the length of thread or reach some un-stripped thread at the bottom) would you really trust it?

Basically no, helicoil it or get someone else to do it like a garage. Not to put any pressure on you, but if you f**k the helicoil up, your £400 frame or whatever is only fit for the bin.

Good luck :P

Edited by PaRtZ
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if theres enough thread to hold the bolt in (even loosely so it goes down but has no clamping force) you can use a jubilee clip to clamp the mount in place as a temporary fix, if you do this you might want to run a booster to reduce the increased flex that loosing a bolt creates, i've been running a jubillee clip on my brake since the end of the summer, i can't say i've noticed a great deal of difference, wilko's sell them, you want the largest one they do, they come in a pack of 2 for about a quid, so it's a pretty good stop gap if you're planning on riding in the week before sending off your frame...

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