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Should I Stick To A Branded Frame?


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Ive found two different frames on eBay, one being a base ta26 for 150 pound and a non branded frame for 39.99 and i cannot see the difference, they are both alloy frames the base ta26 is a 13" frames and the other is 12"....

here's the link to the eBay shop

I'm tempted to get the non branded frame but I'm cautious as to whether its good enough

Edited by curtis@soton
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Whilst a frame like that would have been somewhat of a godsend ten years ago, you can pick up a decent frame for not a lot of money now.

Either going straight for something new that will cost a tad more short term but last you longer and allow you to keep progressing, or looking second hand and picking up a frame for £50-100 would probably be your safest bets (Y)

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If you are a beginner, both frames will be fine for a bit.

However, the Base is a trials specific (if old skool) frame whereas the other is a generic dirtjump type frame.

For £150 you can get a much better frame second hand off here (Max T's Zoo Piranha comes to mind, look in the for sale thread at the frames on offer). That is of course if you want a trials specific frame. If you want one for occasional trials/dirtjumping etc then the generic frame would be fine, you just won't have a bike that will do anything very well it will do all things ok.

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