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Two of my mates who have been heavily into WoW for years now went to visit some of the people they'd made friends with on there this summer. Pretty much got a 2 month holiday in various places round Europe and they only had to pay train fares/flights and all accommodation was free. From the photos etc I've seen they had a right epic adventure so it isn't all bad.

Gayest part is where you're walking through one of the towns and you see people on "dates" trotting round buying bread and all that crap.

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How is it so many people power levelled so fast? Like I get Athene doing it in 5 hours, hes always been into trolling people about how quick he is, but theres like over 50 people that did it in under 14 hours?! Thats ALOT of teams to boost 50 people surely? Or did I miss something and theres a glitch that means you dont need a raid to kill your mobs once youve tagged them?

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Don't install each disc!!! If you have a decent connection, just log into your account and choose to download the full Game client which will be the most up to date build and you'll be able to log in straight away!

Edit: It will be quicker this way too....

If you don't have a good connection just insert the newest disc you have and that will contain and install all the information previous to the expansion.

Edited by rocktrials
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