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Snow Day In Bradford


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Spent the day in Bradford today. As you can see there's still snow everywhere but I think we made the most of it. fun day!

Most of these are too dark or blurry, Its all about the snow really :santa:








Revolution making the most of the weather and leaving there ice cubes outside...







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Some pretty big riding considering the conditions (Y)

Whereabouts are those square rocky bits? Ali and I explored around Bradford a while back and didn't really find too much...

Thank's for these Carl, Had a really enjoyable day today, the weather got the better of me at the end but was worth it, Gurn!!!!

The rock's are at the old fire station mark, If you head up too the new police station its next door, there also are one or two bit's too ride in a nhs unit about 5-10 min's walk out of town can be a good ride for a hour or two.

brakeless wise I think you'd have a bit of fun up there, feel free too let us know when your planning on riding and we'll happily show you around a few spot's

Benefit of the snow today being there was hardly anyone in the centre meaning there was no complaint's about us nor has there being any one chuck us off anything, which is uaually the case of bradford.

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On the 10th picture down your helmet is really far back, those walls look bloody slippy, did you have to clear any run ups?

Yeah the rock lock's broken on my helmet as a result.......

We had too clear most run-ups of the day but some we left snow'y too cover up the ice.

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The rock's are at the old fire station mark, If you head up too the new police station its next door, there also are one or two bit's too ride in a nhs unit about 5-10 min's walk out of town can be a good ride for a hour or two.

Don't you guys ride bikes? :rolleyes:

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Winner! Cheers dude. Some cool looking setups there :)

No problem, quite surprised you guys didn't know about it!

Will be down this way soonish. Will need to give you guys a shout to show me the spots.

Send me a PM when you want to ride and we'll sort something out. (Y)

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Relied on Ali's spot-knowledge for the uni, then just free-styled it from there. That was back when the courts (I think it was, with the flatbanks 'n' stuff round it?) was ride-able, so some time ago...

Yeah real shame there no longer there, There's new poster's of how its going too look when there done with Bradford Isnt much too look forward too, although theres a bit too ride at the new bus station so not all's lost.

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Shorts and t-shirt!? You lads are a fair bit tougher than us lot round my way.

We're busting about in 4 t-shirts, two layers of trousers, 2 pairs of socks, jumper, hoody, jacket! :P

I had my hood up, and helmet on top the other night! :D

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Shorts and t-shirt!? You lads are a fair bit tougher than us lot round my way.

We're busting about in 4 t-shirts, two layers of trousers, 2 pairs of socks, jumper, hoody, jacket! :P

I had my hood up, and helmet on top the other night! :D

good god! Pussy's :shifty: I'd rather be comfy riding in shorts than not, The legging's help load's and upper body hardly take's much to get warmm bearing in mind these was all taken mid day in the sun......

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