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As The Churchill Dog Would Say


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Yea sorry it's a hard bit to describe, but the part of the fork directly below the headtube which the individual fork legs attach to. I reckon that bit would be awesome black, as a really subtle little change which would tie in with the black stem/white bars look.

Ah gotcha, I thought that's might be what you meant but wasn't sure. They're actually different forks (rather than having been sprayed by me) so I'm just going to leave them for now as it's a proper powder coat job at present.

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Ah I see, I couldn't really tell because the original pics didn't show much detail of the forks. Looks great either way (Y)

Yeah, for some reason the bike came with black forks rather than the specced white and I think the whites look better so the guys at Inspired were happy to swap them :).

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah yeah, resurrecting this thread better than Jesus yo'

When do we get to see footage of this in action, Dave? Been ages since you had a video out!

I know I know! Now the weather's picking up I should be able to get something done fairly soon. Andy's keen to play cameraman so just need to get my shit together!

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