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My Zoo Python 09, But In 3D..


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Cheers.. Oh yea? Are you on threedy at all?.. Nope, I actually use Cinema 4D. It's the only 3D package I know & use. I also render with it.

what do u mean by "threedy"? the forum you posted your work on?

cinema 4D seems nice, I ve seen there s some awesome plugins for motion graphics and ii seems to work really well with after effects aswell... he on my list of software I need to learn

I m more of XSI guy by the way.

Well I'm not in the 3D industry. It's only a self-taught hobby unfortunately... I'd like to do it as a job one ay, but haven't a clue how to get into it or where to go. Especially with no qualifications in the field of 3D.

u don't need qualification, u need talent and working experience

u get talent by making a kick ass portfolio

and u get experience by doing a few internship in some good 3D company

I m working in that field ;)

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A little Update :)

what do u mean by "threedy"? the forum you posted your work on?

u don't need qualification, u need talent and working experience

u get talent by making a kick ass portfolio

and u get experience by doing a few internship in some good 3D company

I m working in that field ;)

Yea the forum I posted that bike on. It's quite a good place for modelling etc.

Ah, well I'm in the UK. And I'm 25, so internships aren't really an option :ermm:






Edited by RobRook
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Yea the forum I posted that bike on. It's quite a good place for modelling etc.

no, I ve got my blog and I ve got a gallery on deviant art(which is crazy good)

I m also often chekin' cgsociety and zbrushcentral websites as there's some awesome stuff on there aswell

Ah, well I'm in the UK. And I'm 25, so internships aren't really an option :ermm:

if u have the motivation, I m sure it's always possible to work for free for a few weeks

as loong as you ve got some experience and a good portfolio, you ll find some work (there's not tons of opportunity though)

you seem quite skilled ;)

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When this topic first started I was already very very impressed! I didn't think that you'd be going all the way to making a full bike out of it, nevermind doing the individual parts by themselves like the cranks!

Frame-wise, since it's near as perfect as can be, are the welds supposed to be missed out on the inside of the yoke/chainstay join?

If only welds on real Deng frames could be that consistently clean!

Nice work, I'd love to be able to do something like this some day!

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Yup, No idea how he did it but it is non-uniform and incredibly realistic!

Pretty sure he has just modelled a non uniform mesh about the right size and inconsitency of a weld and applied a displacement map to it :)

Its years since I did any 3D modelling though (outside of solidworks, I was using 3DSM 4) and that was all low poly box modelling weapon replacements for counterstrike; couldnt use nurbs/booleans etc because it ragged your polycount too much!

Awesome attention to detail though, looking forward to seeing the finished article.

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Glad you all like what I'm doing here. Makes me want to finish it even more :)

Frame-wise, since it's near as perfect as can be, are the welds supposed to be missed out on the inside of the yoke/chainstay join?

Glad you spotted that!!. There is actually weld on the left side, you can just about see it in a pevious render above. I just forgot to mirror the base mesh to the other side ;) Cheers (Y)

Pretty sure he has just modelled a non uniform mesh about the right size and inconsitency of a weld and applied a displacement map to it :)

Almost 100% right.. I made the base mesh to be quite consistant to start with. Then I applied a noise deformer to vary the height and width slightly, I then applied the displacement map and done a few test renders to make sure all was looking as realistic as possible with no anomalies :)

Here's a pic of some of the base meshes used for the weldif you haven't seen them already.


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Well I'm not in the 3D industry. It's only a self-taught hobby unfortunately... I'd like to do it as a job one ay, but haven't a clue how to get into it or where to go. Especially with no qualifications in the field of 3D.

i think you'd be able to go straight into a company with the cad work you've produced and they'd have to offer you something! your work is really good man, especially this bike project - so much detail its insane!

good luck with the rest of it!!

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When I was in the modelling community for counterstrike, alot of the members there went on to produce for some pretty big game studios :)

If there is a market for what you do and youre obvisously talented, then there is potential!

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If only welds on real Deng frames could be that consistently clean!




Should've said 'if only welds on most real Deng frames could be that consistently clean'. From some of the Deng frames I've had and sold on the welds have been really clean, but others I've seen in the flesh hanging up in Chinese bike shops have also had pretty crooked welds, some like the ones on the pictures and some worse. Guess it depends a lot on which batches and if they were welded on a Monday/Friday or on a 'good day'. :turned:

EDIT: Those are pics of other peoples' 2009 Pythons.


Those freewheels and bashrings look great! Are you planning on 'anodizing' the necessary parts once everything's been completed?

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Yea my frame weld is a little tidier than those pics I think. My frame is the 2009 Python..

Got a little update for you. Well, I say little, it was bloody hard to model these pedals! :( Never again lol.



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Hate be an arse, but you havent modelled the concave surface on the pedals :$

You might be able to boolean the whole lot out in one go though :)

edit: Are you going to do any unsmoothed renders? Would be interesting to see (Y)

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bloody impressive! Are you going to colour it in too?

Cheers.. Yea I'll be adding materials and textures once modelling is all finished.

Hate be an arse, but you havent modelled the concave surface on the pedals blushing.gif

edit: Are you going to do any unsmoothed renders? Would be interesting to see (Y)

The concaved surface is very shallow on the real pedal. About 1mm. You wouldn't really notice the difference. But saying that; I'll see if using a deformer makes a visual difference.

I can show you an unsmoothed wireframe.



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Amazing, I just can´t get over the perfectness, I reckon you could be hired by biketrial companies for modeling their concept parts.

Not sure if your setup could handle it, but you could try and record the making of a part to show the progress?

Think it would be very interesting for us to see!

Keep up the good work.

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Love the work, awesome talent there.

I'm pretty sure Rob has designed his welds NOT to be 100% uniform

No idea how he did it but it is non-uniform and incredibly realistic!

Pretty sure he has just modelled a non uniform mesh

Uniformed, not uniform - was annoying me :P.



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