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The Universe As A Hologram?


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Well i'm certainly not wrong.

Either it's completely wrong and it's a load of shit, or i'm the being that created everything and everyone, in essence what i say goes, so i'm still right :P

LOL, the 'Krisboats Paradox' is born.........................

We'll it's interesting you should say that actually, in my view you are the being that created everything, and so am I and Ben and Revolver and everyone else for that matter.

When people say comments such as:

'You think the world revolves around you!'

Although meant as an insult, they are actually saying something quite significant because essentially it does revolve around you, and me and everyone else.

There is only now and that now only concerns the one experienceing the now..........you.

The concept of past and future are relatively meaningless really.

Most of 'Past' is made up of experience, i.e memory, which is known to be flawed and therefore cannot be considered accurate and so can be written off really as bullshit.

The 'Future' is yet to be and in fact will by the very nature of itself never be, as it will be the 'now' when it comes around and so is also bullshit.

This means that the only 'reality' that exists is now and that 'now' can only be 'real' because of you.

Therefore If you want to be a maniacal mastermind that wants to destroy the world, all one need do is cease to exist, as in 'kill' oneself and hey presto your wish is granted.

Edited by Matt Vandart
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Therefore If you want to be a maniacal mastermind that wants to destroy the world, all one need do is cease to exist, as in 'kill' oneself and hey presto your wish is granted.

That's no fun.

I think it's because of this thing, that people only experience the world from their point of view, that causes people to be unable to care about certain things, such as the greater good.

It's also the thing that, if I may draw something from that future technology thread, makes teleportation in the manner it's described, not a good idea to use on a person.

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