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Trialtech Freewheel.

Luke Dunstan

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Some freewheels are just like that. Ermm, don't know much about the trialtechs..

If its been welded on then tough luck you'll have to put up with it but it should be fine. Otherwise tighten it until it no longer has sideways play.

EDIT: My tryall did it for near on a year but still nothing major happened throughout that time.

Edited by Jamie_Trials
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My mates new Trial-Tech 108 freewheel lockring came off in his 2nd ride, and couple of his pawls got mixed. Made a horrible crunching noise, so he soon had that off. :P

I just wouldn't have thought that Trialtech would sell a product that appears to be realy bad? They would have tested them before selling/manufacturing them, if people's are under-performing after like a few ride makes you think how long they tested it for lol .

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Keeping the lockring tight is essential on all freewheels - let it come loose and you'll have problems, keep it tight and you won't - simples.

It's not moving a great amount, just enough to notice, like a wobbly tooth.

Also not tightened a lock-ring before, how do you do that?

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I just wouldn't have thought that Trialtech would sell a product that appears to be realy bad? They would have tested them before selling/manufacturing them, if people's are under-performing after like a few ride makes you think how long they tested it for lol .

It's an OEM product, it's been tested by thousands of riders around the world under the name of Rockman, Try-All, Worldcat and so on.

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