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Laurence -- Trials / Alex-Trials-Boy Video 1


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After youtube desided to be gay about my first video i desided to Load it up onto vimeo. So sorry for the new topic.

I had to make and edit a video for my GCSE I.C.T Coursework so i chose to do a video of me alex and kenny riding... Unfortunely i didn't have many clips of kenny and i couldn't get any to fit the music, so because it was for my GCSE and i wanted everything to flow there arn't any of him in there (so im sorry for that kenny) But here is the result.

Basicly all of the clips were filmed in the summer holl's so they are a cupple months old.

Personal thoughts.. i'm not too happy with it and i thought my riding was quite alot better than this.. :$


EDIT: comments on how to improve editing or riding would be much appreciated!

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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Not really.. its 409MB so it takes about 3 hours to load..

Come round mine on Saturday and see it.

How on earth have you made that video 409Mb?! That's insane - the camera isn't exactly shooting HD, you should be able to compress that down to under 100Mb without losing any noticeable quality...

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nice video and good riding

loved the song

well done (Y)

Cheers ^_^

How on earth have you made that video 409Mb?! That's insane - the camera isn't exactly shooting HD, you should be able to compress that down to under 100Mb without losing any noticeable quality...

I don't know.. Yeah excuse the quality.. it was better at school, not sure why though?

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At 1.32, is that the sole of your shoe flapping around?

Didn't like:

- The same wall being jumped up around 20 times.

- Some weird angles, and the "turn the page" windows movie maker-esque effect at 0.19, looked fair decent with all the fades, and then "tuuuuuuuuuuurn!".

- The song choice was a bit meh.

Did like:

- Your riding's looking pretty sweet.

- Trying to figure out which one was you.

- The sign in your front wheel :P

Edited by Ninja Manatee
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At 1.32, is that the sole of your shoe flapping around?

Didn't like:

- The same wall being jumped up around 20 times.

- Some weird angles, and the "turn the page" windows movie maker-esque effect at 0.19, looked fair decent with all the fades, and then "tuuuuuuuuuuurn!".

- The song choice was a bit meh.

Did like:

- Your riding's looking pretty sweet.

- Trying to figure out which one was you.

- The sign in your front wheel :P

Sorry :P we don't have many places to ride shown in the video is just about everywhere we have to ride around our village.

I tryed to use lots of different effects and things just because it was for my GCSE, i wasn't too keen on it to be fair but it did the job.

I did try to get a song that i thought most people would enjoy, but still go with the riding a bit. At the end of the day you cant please everyone.

Thanks.. i didn't really think it is/was I have got better though (i think :lol: )

I'm the one on the ZOO! Lynx duel disc, and alex is on the limey.


EDIT: haha! yes that was my shoe.. the bottom of it though. They were falling apart (obv) have new ones now though :)

Edited by Laurence--Trials
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Nice video lads you two on getting alot better quick.

Hopefully when the weather clears up ill come up norwich for a ride and we can try a few different things for the next video.


Cheers biddle! I got the hang of that side-gap you and adrian taught me, didn't show it in the video though.

Btw can i see some pictures of your new bike? sounds really nice!

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Yeah ill sort out a few pictures of the bike once the weather is nicer.


Well by the looks of things we'll be waiting quite a few months (or is that what you ment?)

Anyone give me advise on how to improve my riding? Been riding a yeah (when these clips were taken) and feel like im pretty shit for the time i've been riding

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