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The Gaming Thread......

James Quigley

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My Xbox is for Street Fighter, bought PS3 for GT5, and my Alienware awaits Cataclysm! Bring it on.

On gt 5 prologue I use the two sticks left for steering and the right for aceleratrion/braking and the L1 L2 for gear changing I hope this is still possible on the new one.

Oops I quoted the wrong person.

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That's the thing, I don't understand why people use buttons for acceleration. How can you modulate the throttle? Its either on or off, which for a driving sim, isn't a good particularly simulation...

you can modulate throttle with R2...

Been playing GT5 aaallll day, this game by far kills any other racer out there.. And yes, i have played Forza 3.

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That's the thing, I don't understand why people use buttons for acceleration. How can you modulate the throttle? Its either on or off, which for a driving sim, isn't a good particularly simulation...

You used to be able to modulate with X on PS2 controllers. It was one of the reasons my mate used to occasionally beat me on GT3, he would never let me use the Sony controller and always gave me the shitty aftermarket one! >_<

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I knew i shouldn't have bought Black Ops. I think that's it for COD until they sort out their severe problems.

Can i get a review of Halo Reach multiplayer? The few Amazon ones i read just covered single player. I never got into Halo 3 multiplayer but played Halo 2 online solidly for a year or so.

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I hate both those views. I can only play driving games with the camera behind the car, else I pure fail.


What you need is trackIR or freetrack (if youre feeling creative and fancy a bit of DIY), unfortunately its not available for consoles so that sucks. Being able to look out the side windows by turning your head makes it so immersive its unreal, helps with flying aswell :)

See PCs are so much better for playing games :D

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Cheapest place to get Black Ops online? Either for 360 or PC, not sure which I'll need yet. It's for my bro for xmas.

I saw it in PC World/Currys for £32.99. I have to say PC World/Currys have turned a corner on their prices they used to be a rip off but they have been very competitive lately.

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What you need is trackIR or freetrack (if youre feeling creative and fancy a bit of DIY), unfortunately its not available for consoles so that sucks. Being able to look out the side windows by turning your head makes it so immersive its unreal, helps with flying aswell :)

See PCs are so much better for playing games :D

GT5 uses the PS3 eye to give you this feature ;)

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GT5 uses the PS3 eye to give you this feature ;)

Thats cool!

Thinking about it, Im using an old ps2 eyetoy for my freetrack setup :)

Does it track head movements alone or do you need to wear a head tracking device (hat with reflective tabs or IR leds)?

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Surely if you're turning your head infront of the tv, it doesn't matter what shows on the screen? Unless of course you have multiple screens.

Not sure how the PS3 eye system works but with trackIR/freetrack on the PC it allows you to freelook constantly (assuming the game supports it). It means whilst driving/flying you can turn your head to look out the side windows or behind you (depending on setup) and for fps you can look over your shoulder without needing to turn (independant of where youre aiming), limited use for most fps games but for milsims like arma if youre laying concealed in some grass the less movement you make the better with regards to the enemy spotting you :)

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