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Muslim Protesters...


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Sir, in two posts you've jumped from Muslims --> Students --> Fat people & Smokers. Any other minorities you feel it's important to list and whine about? Might one suggest single parents, hippies and gays?

Just think it's stupid treating people who seem to be going to an effort to kill themselves and leaving me paying tonnes for university, and that's if I manage to go to university. And aren't obese people a majority now?

Don't got anything against those three minoritys you've suggested, but Jehovah Witnesses on the other hand...

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Just think it's stupid treating people who seem to be going to an effort to kill themselves and leaving me paying tonnes for university, and that's if I manage to go to university. And aren't obese people a majority now?

Don't got anything against those three minoritys you've suggested, but Jehovah Witnesses on the other hand...

Firstly you idiot, nobodys putting any effort into killing themselves, I'm sure your view would be swayed if you were in a car crash caused by your own reckless action. Maybe you should be left to die as it was your own fault?

Secondly, why should I, or any other worker have to subsidise your tuition fees from the tax we pay? Want the benefits of Uni then pay for it and get the rewards, or just expect everything to be handed to you on a plate at someone elses expense.

Are you sure you should be going to University if you believe obese people are the majority now?

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Firstly you idiot, nobodys putting any effort into killing themselves, I'm sure your view would be swayed if you were in a car crash caused by your own reckless action. Maybe you should be left to die as it was your own fault?

Secondly, why should I, or any other worker have to subsidise your tuition fees from the tax we pay? Want the benefits of Uni then pay for it and get the rewards, or just expect everything to be handed to you on a plate at someone elses expense.

Are you sure you should be going to University if you believe obese people are the majority now?

Firstly, you idiot, that's a bit of a large difference. A car crash is different to willingly inhaling poisons and spending money to do so. Seems like suicide to me pretty much. Why should tax payers pay for their operations from their own stupidity?

Secondly, did you go to university? If so who payed for you to go? I admit, I'm 16, I not completly in the know on this but seems unfair that millions of people before have gone for much lower prices than what I will be paying, if I can afford to go.

And I know I was exaggerating on the obese people are a majority. But still, from 2006 -

* 114,000 of the 12 million smokers in the UK die each year as a result of their habit.

* 20% of adults in the UK are obese, and one in four children are overweight, making Britain the fattest country in Europe.

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ok who realy cares what we've done to them , us and the americans killed saddam and realsed the country from his hold? are they against this? theres already muslim law courts all over england, do you want muslim law in this country? this is are country why should they be allowed to disrispect are soldiers? muslims live by the koran which tells them to take over and kill people who are not islam! they blew up buses full fo innocent people all over london have people forgotten this , but i i say again this is are country as englishmen being over run you can say there not all the same but you dont see them parading against these muslim extremeist do you? are ansesters foought and died to defend this contry and now its been over run by immegrints.

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ok who realy cares what we've done to them , us and the americans killed saddam and realsed the country from his hold? are they against this? theres already muslim law courts all over england, do you want muslim law in this country? this is are country why should they be allowed to disrispect are soldiers? muslims live by the koran which tells them to take over and kill people who are not islam! they blew up buses full fo innocent people all over london have people forgotten this , but i i say again this is are country as englishmen being over run you can say there not all the same but you dont see them parading against these muslim extremeist do you? are ansesters foought and died to defend this contry and now its been over run by immegrints.

I think you mean Sharia law.

I'm not going to pretend that I know EVERYTHING about the Muslim world, but I'm pretty sure many of them have different beliefs and values. They aren't all Abu Hamzas.

Edited by xDUNSTANx
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ok who realy cares what we've done to them , us and the americans killed saddam and realsed the country from his hold? are they against this? theres already muslim law courts all over england, do you want muslim law in this country? this is are country why should they be allowed to disrispect are soldiers? muslims live by the koran which tells them to take over and kill people who are not islam! they blew up buses full fo innocent people all over london have people forgotten this , but i i say again this is are country as englishmen being over run you can say there not all the same but you dont see them parading against these muslim extremeist do you? are ansesters foought and died to defend this contry and now its been over run by immegrints.

Wow. My personal highlight was "the koran tells them to take over and kill people who are not islam", closely followed by "immegrints".

Unless you're going by volume...


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Was going to point out some of the more glaring holes in this, but apparently I've been beaten to it. If it was as simple as 'releasing them from Saddam's hold', I imagine we wouldn't need to still be there.

I bet they were super grateful when we wiped out all their infrastructure, their medical care, their sanitation systems and their water and electricity supplies in the major cities in Iraq. Baghdad must've been ecstatic.

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Well i cant remember anywhere in the Koran that tells them to kill people! (and yes l have read it for R.E studies) these "extremists" should be delt with with zero tolerence. But while we have to abide by the Geneva convension, human rights laws and in combat "rules of engagement" these little f**kers are going to have the upper hand the whole time. The government need to grow a pair and start saying NO to their demands is NOT being racist. But being fair to others. Thats my belief anyway.

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Well i cant remember anywhere in the Koran that tells them to kill people! (and yes l have read it for R.E studies) these "extremists" should be delt with with zero tolerence. But while we have to abide by the Geneva convension, human rights laws and in combat "rules of engagement" these little f**kers are going to have the upper hand the whole time. The government need to grow a pair and start saying NO to their demands is NOT being racist. But being fair to others. Thats my belief anyway.

I totally agree with you!

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Absolute scum. If that's how they feel why don't they F*** **F back to their own country

(oh yeh, cause it's shit!)

I could easily go off into a thousand page rant on this one but having considered every element of all the possible opinions on this matter i think my initial statement sums things up.

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To those in this thread saying how Muslims are evil nasty people and everything else along those lines are horribly misinformed. Do some research before going on a massive psycho attack.

I'm not Muslim at all, nor do I advocate them, and have seen my fair share of obnoxious 'Asian' gangs walking around like utter goons... but in all fairness Britain has been pretty horrific throughout world history. Provided most of you actually passed your GCSEs, you should have some vague idea at least about how Britain raped half the world with its 'empire'. Look up the Opium War, just as one example. This country, its military, and its 'justifications' for getting involved in international conflicts is notorious. The amount of trouble Muslims have given Britain pales to the amount of grief Britain has given to them.

Think of it this way, imagine the US decided to accuse the UK of some random international crime and made an excuse to basically invade this little island we live on. This is in direct comparison to the real-life situation of the US (and UK) invading Iraq and Afghanistan. Soldiers everywhere and tanks just shitting over all the towns and cities. You wouldn't be happy would you if you saw American soldiers bullying the local folk in your village and tearing down buildings? I am pretty damn sure PLENTY of Brits would go protesting and bitching about foreign soldiers shitting up the country. I

What those people did in that Daily Mail article was pretty disrespectful towards Remembrance, and it is too extreme. But they do have good reason to be angry at this country. They should have tried to find a more diplomatic solution. Especially as the whole world sees the UK as America's bitch "to help them with their dirty work". Heard it plenty of times from all the people I've met in all the different countries I've travelled to (mostly jokes, but when 90% of foreigners you meet joke about that when talking about UK-US relations.... something's up)

Edited by Ares
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