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Muslim Protesters...


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Mark i was refering to madmanmike's post. I know we have done awful things. With the exception of maybe Germany Britain probably has the most blood on its hands throughout history. (i have studied my history in fair depth) but this bullshit! It would be like one of us stood on a pile of dead muslims waving a burning koran around during ramadan in mecca! Its just f**king wrong.

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Exactly the same as the American who wanted to burn the Qur'an, both acts are disrespectful and both acts are looked down on by the sane people who follow the same faith.

But we haven't done anything like that as far as I'm aware, so why us?

Its a disgusting thing to see, they want to do that they can go back to their own country, why do they even move here if they are just going to be completely disrespectful! (aimed at people like this, not aimed at the nice muslims.)

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Also, how the f**k can you 'not believe in immigration'?! You 'don't believe' in the toothfairy or god, but I don't think you can doubt immigration. It's pretty believable if you ask me.

This thread is bigoted, ignorant and pretty much racist and needs closing :(

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Associating the act of a minority of the muslim community with immigration fails on so many levels.

Might be worth thinking out your feelings a bit more before you let them guide you into statements of nonsense.

I should add that those muslim protesters are also numpties regardless of the degree of truth with which Britian is imperialistic - something I agree with.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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Dude, you have no Qur'an.

Saying that because a small group of Muslims burnt a poppy we should send every single immigrant home is laughably ridiculous.

Perhaps they can't go home, due to the fact we're bombing the shit out of it and shooting them on sight.

And maybe what you were trying to say would have more credibility if it made grammatical sense, and you actually had a point to make, other than "Send 'em back and that."

deliberately broke the silence

Sounds like something you'd do at primary school because you weren't getting your own way. Peasants.

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This isn't racist but I get sick of Muslims going' oh, that's just a small minority of us that disrespect those that fought Nazis and blow up innocent people on their way to work'. but to me (I'm not sure on any official figures) it seems that most recent terrorist attacks are down to Muslims. Then in airports they complain when they get searched because they're Muslim. But if most terrorists are Muslim isn't that fair?

And I hate the whole don't draw allah thing. To me it implies that their religion is right and Allah's so real. If they're allowed to draw pictures of Jesus taking drugs and stuff I'll draw Allah in whatever way I want.

Just some opinions.

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There are estimated to be 1.57 billion Muslims in the world. Let's go over the top and say that ten thousand of them have been terrorists and/or extremists in the past decade. With those figures you get, wait for it, 0.0006369426752% of the entire Muslim population.

Yes, it is a minority.

Another point of view?

Remember that Troyston guy who admitted he'd shot and killed a sheep. He's one of many many trials riders. Would it be fair or accurate for, say, a farmer to assume that, based on the actions of a very tiny minority of a select group, all trials riders are likely to kill his sheep?

Edited by Bronz
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You're an ignorant cu*t. This is in no way related to immigration. Those peoples are just twats, it doesn't matter where they've come from. Don't be so f**king narrow minded.

Edited by Matthew62
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There are estimated to be 1.57 billion Muslims in the world. Let's go over the top and say that ten thousand of them have been terrorists and/or extremists in the past decade. With those figures you get, wait for it, 0.0006369426752% of the entire Muslim population.

Fair enough, although what if that 0.0006369426752% = 60% of terrorists?

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There are estimated to be 1.57 billion Muslims in the world. Let's go over the top and say that ten thousand of them have been terrorists and/or extremists in the past decade. With those figures you get, wait for it, 0.0006369426752% of the entire Muslim population.

Fair enough, although what if that 0.0006369426752% = 60% of terrorists?

This pretty much sums the whole thread up for me.

Think about it.

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