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New Sean Watson Video

Mark W

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Very good riding, song selection and editing.

I especially liked the brakeless front wheel 270 on the flat bank.

Some of the more novel approaches to riding don't entirely float my boat. That's in terms of enjoying them in the same way as I do his other riding. In a "not taking things too seriously" sense however it's amusing and kind've interesting. Reminds me of the stuff Berridge used to do actually.

What was the music?

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I didnt really like that, I mean some of the riding when he is actually on his bike was good, but all that arsing about with with walking on rolling drum and standing on a wall and 'tailwhiping' the bike was a crap!

Not my cuppa tea at all!

Edited by JohnyMilton
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Awe 'Inspired' mind-blowing originality :o however, the last move was rather foolish and dangerous even if it was super timed and coordinated.

He had like 2 feet spare......

Liked some of it disliked other bits, like how when he ghostied he got back on the bike 1 foot at a time, if he would have just jumped on it would have been pimpin' as it was just looked shit.

Originally gets kudos though.

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I'll be honest - part of my enjoyment of that video was knowing how people were going to complain about aspects of it.


I think I loved it, not sure about one or two bits, but at least it wasnt trying to be the same as everything else (even in brakeless terms)

I think my fave bit is that it lulls you into thinking he is pretty sketchy at "proper" trials, and then bangs in a real baller brakeless trial combo.


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