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How To Block Phone Numbers?


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Contact the local Police, tell them you're being harassed. They'll arrange to send an officer over to look at the texts, take a statement from you then they'll probably pay her a visit and tell her to leave you alone.


Pretty much the only way to get the number blocked is if she has a history of doing it and/or it goes to a form of court and they do it. Phone companies won't do aaanything.

Edited by Hendrix
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Basically, there's this girl. Who wont leave me alone..

How do I block her mobile number, or will someone f**king kill her for me?

Thanks, Jack.

ring your network provider dude

EDIT: if she looks allright, dont complain about a girl chasing you :P

Edited by dirt jumper jake
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Lmao love you, think if you ring o2 or whoever your with they'll sort it, police won't do f**kall

O2 cannot and won't do anything as they can't block phone numbers willy nilly. Trust me, I've been there. The police are pretty much the only people with the authority to do anything, if they can be arsed to..

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I heard a story about someone who Josh (Kyddie on here) used to go to school with.

A girl wouldn't stop hassling this guy, saying she wanted to be with him and the like. Eventually he said, 'yeah, if you give me a blow job, right now, in the toilets, I'll go out with you'. So off they went and did the deed, after which he told her to piss off.

He got a blow job, and she never wanted to speak to him again, win-win. laugh.gif

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