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Viz 120 Ep Freehubs

Scott Gibbs

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i saw the new viz freehubs on another website last night and wondered if anyone in the industry has used them yet? Is it an alternative to the hope pro 2 or more like the old echo freehubs? Thanks boys and girls.

They're very much like the old echo hubs i'm affraid, they make a nice noise though.

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I'd be interested in seeing a picture of the inside of the hub. So to have that many engagement in a hub that light and for it not to rip apart instantly there must be some kind of magic inside. I think I'd rather wait till there is a hub out that offer that many engagement about without being made of cheese!

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Or i could just screw a ENO freewheel onto a dmr revolver hub for less than a 2nd hand king!

You really can't compare anything to a King, in my eyes they're on a whole new level. I picked up a HD ISO which needed some love for £70, hunt around and make cheeky offers - you never know what'll come of it!

Save up for a little longer and buy a second hand King, you really won't do any better.

Yours, now running a Pro2T.

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Why can't people just get Chris Kings and get done with it, Jesus Christ!

Because they're about as good as a turd with bearings. The old ones are fine, mine is at least 6 years old now and it has never really skipped. But 5 out of 6 mates who have purchased their hubs within the last 2-3 years or so (and I'm not making this up) have had endless problems with their Kings - snapping bearings and HD axles mostly. One broke a bearing and axle twice I think and he's the kind of rider who doesn't even look at obstacles over 1ft tall. Obviously he had to send the hub back to the US to CK HQ, they took ages to repair the hub and then sent it back with the customs declaration filled in such a way that my mate had to actually PAY 100USD TAX to collect his hub from the post office. Absolute idiots. While I value the past quality of these hubs, I would no longer spend a penny on CK products. Especially as you now have a freewheel called Echo SL.

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