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Danny Mac Teaser


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I wonder how offended his housemate will be that he's not filming this one...

If I were Mr. Mac - being that April '09 owes a lot of it's successfulness to it's filming/production - I'd honour something like that and only let him produce the sequel, assuming he wanted to.

Still - being that I'm neither of them, I'm quite looking forward to it :giggle:

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I wonder how offended his housemate will be that he's not filming this one...

If I were Mr. Mac - being that April '09 owes a lot of it's successfulness to it's filming/production - I'd honour something like that and only let him produce the sequel, assuming he wanted to.

...he is.

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Which should highlight why it's pointless trying to try and find a label for someone's type of riding?

I don't really see how it matters whether Danny's riding was 100% trials, 50% trials or 1% trials - it's just riding, and it happens to be really good.

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Meh didnt perticualy excite me. too commercial.

That is the most stupid thing i think i have ever heard....in what way is his riding 'commercial' in a way that any other rider's isn't? Do you even know what commercial means? He's not trying to sell you a t-shirt he's riding his bike.

I love just how ignorant this forum has become. Literally one single guy has achieved a decent amount of success from his riding and almost instantly people started putting him and his riding down. Why? Because he's successful? Because he's so f**king good?

If, and i mean...'if' this is moving away from trials then thank f**k for that as for me this is exactly what riding is all about and if it t'aint trials then i guess i'm not a trials rider. Like has been said he is going from A to B (a and b in this case usually being ridiculous distances apart) the only differance between him and a TGS rider is that the way he goes from A to B isn't f**king boring and isn't shot in shit quality black and white.

My blood is literally pumping with excitement for this video....Danny Mac with seriously well produced imagery is going to be some peace of heaven!

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it was clearly his OWN thoughts on the matter.

That's fairly obvious though in that every post that everyone does on here is likely to be their own thoughts on a particular matter? The reason I was saying it was a weak comeback was that if you're going to follow the whole "That's just his opinion" thing, that was just Matt's opinion about his opinion, and that was my opinion about your opinion about Matt's opinion about his opinion. That's pretty much how messageboards work.

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Mint stuff (Y) can't wait for the full vid!

If people want TGS riders to get into the limelight then big riders like Damon really need to get their fingers out with the quality of their videos (production not riding.) Its not hard to find a rider who's into filming/photography.

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