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Has Is Come To This?


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I personally don't want trials to get massive, it may sound selfish but i like being one of very few people who ride where i live. This is mainly because i'm a bit rubbish and don't want to be shown up but also i like the attention you get from having a skill/s that very few people have.

I don't think its ever going to get much bigger than it already is now, it seemed bigger to me back when i started in 97/98, Martyn Ashton was all over the cover of MBUK every other month and the bike show's were pretty much dominated by trials.

I think the time and effort needed to get good at trials puts a lot of people off, also the cost as it isn't cheap is it? I think it's a bit of a posh sport really, kind of like motor racing? I bet there aren't many kids from council estates that ride trials, unless they've stolen someone's bike that is ?

What i would like to see is a channel 4 documentary about trials, the parkour boy's have had one, where's ours?

I agree with all of this especially when you say about the attention you/we get, makes you feel kinda special :lol:

Is there a link to the parkour one i can watch? and email channel 4 someone, we've had what.. 1 tv show about trials?

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I'm against the trials scene getting as big as say bmx or mtb. I think I can say that every trials rider i've met has been a sound, down to earth person. Even the pros such as Ashton.

However, hanging around with my bmx mates, I've found a lot of the bmx riders can get quite 'up themselves.' I'm not saying that this is the case for all of them nor is it just in the bmx scene, It's just the bigger a sport gets the more 'tards become involved.

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Trudat, apart from sucking hard at bmx, the main reason i came back to trials was for the scene - I know i can turn up to any ride, anywhere in the uk and everyone's a mate within 5 minutes, not one person made the slightest effort to even say hello if i turned up to a park on my own/ rode past some other people out riding.

I know the same kind of thing can apply within some trials scenes, but for the most part everyone's sound.

Edited by Skoze
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