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Maggie Lever Body


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Hi all,

I've just bought the 05 lever body off tartybikes and as it says I have to use my exsisting Piston and spring from my snapped 05

but the thing is, how do I remove it and fit it on the new lever body!

Please help

as this is preventing me riding and I'm goin on a b-day ride on saturday and dont want to miss out :(


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have you just got a casing if so, take the lever of with tpa on it, you will see a piston take that out (it should just come out, if not undo the screw under where the hosing enters the lever and push something thin and small through) then a biggish spring. now putting it in is backwards in the new casing, spring-piston-lever with tpa in. job done then just bleed, its all fairly simple.

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will try lol, figured it out and if I worked non stop it would take about 1 hour per lever body to machine then, 20 mins for finishing and tapping out bolt threads. Then you can use your magura piston, spring, lever and TPA. Allong with shroud nut and bleed bolt.

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