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New Trials Bike


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Spend the extra money and get a bird, it has a 19" rear wheel like most trials bikes unlike the rip which as a 20".

The bird is okay, my mate has a bird and another mate has a rip and by far out of the 2 the rip is the best. Alot lighter than the bird, but the wheel does make a difference, and if you want to go front freewheel you will need new cranks aswell as a freewheel and a sprocket, rather than the bird where you will just need a freewheel and a sprocket. Saves £50 or so...

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I like how you said the Rip was the best, then listed two substantial reasons why it isn't ;)

The Rip's not a bad bike by any means, but if you can stretch the extra to the Bird you'll get a bit that's a lot easier to upgrade in the future. If you stick with trials, there'll come a time where you'll want to change what you've got on there, and with the Bird you've got a choice of all the rims on the market and a pretty easy FFW upgradeable setup. With the Rip, you don't.

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