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Onza Zoot!


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Hi there,

I can get an Onza Zoot from the New Zealand dealer for $1449 maybe a little less for the display one or from tarty bikes for $1324 NZ dollars including postage,

The obvious choice would be the one from tarty bikes but then again I do live in New Zealand and having the backing of a new zealand dealer would be good,

What do you guys think? and do tarty bikes give good back up for international orders?

Cheers Brad

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TartyBikes are brilliant mate, I'd choose them every time.

But it's totally up to you, maybe give both companies a ring, and see who you feel more comfortable with?


I have emailed the New Zealand dealer and he seems like a very nice guy and he said he would cut me a deal on the display zoot which seems good but I will email the tarty bikes guy and see what happens.

Cheers Brad

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I have found another, cheaper place to get the zoot it is,

www.wiggle.co.uk and I can get the zoot for just over $1100 New Zealand dollars including postage which I think is the best deal yet.

I was also looking at the Onza Bird 20" on there which seems like a very good bike, but what are the 20" bikes like at street riding and skatepark sort of stuff or is it going to be a lot better if I were to get a 24".

Cheers Brad

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I was thinking that but then I wouldn't trust Wiggle as far as I could throw them compared to you boys... :P

Haha, thanks. Yeah, their postage is cheaper than our's, although it doesn't say how long it takes or which service they use. The shipping costs on our site are what we pay those companies to ship it - we don't charge a handling fee or anything like that, so we aren't making money on it or anything.

EDIT: The boxes the Zoots get sent in are slightly smaller than the ones we used to work out the automated shipping pricing, so often people get refunds on large international orders.

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