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Online Shops Compared To High Street Questions.


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Right, got a question for you, in my local tesco, they sell ps3's will these be the same price as the prices on tesco direct(just im sure ive seen better prices in store than im currently seeing online).

Likewise asda direct, will this be the same price as in store(i realise if i use the direct ordering point in store it will be, but i mean more picking up a box from the electronics section)

And once more, with game, and gamestation, are pricings the same.

If they arent, do instore offer price match or anything of the sort.

thanks for any help (just trying to get a ps3 on the cheap)

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It's also worth checking the less obvious places, most people think that Tesco or Asda are going to be the cheapest but last year when i got a new t.v Tesco were by far the most expensive! After loads of shopping around it turned out that John Lewis and the Sony centre stores were cheapest and by a big margin.

Tesco,Currys,Comet etc wanted £900-£1100 with a 1 year warranty, John Lewis and Sony wanted £700 with 5 years warranty!

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Had a chat with a guy in Tesco the other day and he said that for some reason Tesco stores and Tesco Direct are actually different businesses, using different ordering systems and are effectively separate from each other. Obviously they would try and keep things apparently similar for the customer but it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were discrepancies.

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I think John Lewis actually go about trying to be the cheapest shop for electrical goods. So if you find it cheap in tesco, get John Lewis to price match it, they're bound to be better in terms of guarantees.


I've bought all of the various Ipods I've owned from John Lewis simply because when they inevitably f**k up (or just get a bit haggard :shifty:) I kniow I can just walk in and walk out with a new one without all the hassle of sending it to Apple etc.

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