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Echo Sl Question


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Hey there, i recently bought an Onza Pro 2010, and also an Echo SL freewheel to replace the Tensile 60 click it comes with.

Though before i fit this freewheel, i was wondering whether it is in a good enough state to be fitted.

If i shake the freewheel, only lightly too, then i can hear a quite noticable rattle.

It sounded to me like a bearing or two was loose, so i took my SL to my local bike store, and asked them to look at it.

They took it in, and rang me up the next day saying something like 'basically the only reason it's doing that is because it has no grease in it, and it will be fine to use how it is'.

I said ok and took it back, but i'm still weary of the rattling.

Can anyone here shed some light onto what's wrong with it, if anything?



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These freewheels may appear to 'rattle' from new - this is down to the bearing system. It would be possible to add an extra bearing in and stop the rattle, however this would then cause the freewheel to lock up!

If it's supermegaloose you can take a shim out from inside the freewheel, but unless you really, really need to I wouldn't recommend it. It'll be fine as it is.

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