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Do You Recognise The First Setting Of This Video?


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hi people.

this is random as f**k! I was just browsing some videos on the intertw@ and there is a video of some hot chick doing some pretty decent (for a woman :P) parkour.

But why in trials chat you may ask?

Well id just like to know if someone like me instantly knows what im on about when i say 'the set of bollards in the first scene' be specific....

i was toying between BOTI and here to post but chose here as its not BOTI and is trials related.



I reckon there the bollards jeff lenosky rode with the weird voice counting them up????, couldn't remember name of vid though and didn't look at other answers to cheat

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and here they are!

--- martyn ashton TN

-- chris akrigg TN

--- akrigg stuff tha came up in search....proper perseverance

--- Chainspotting part 1

----Chainspotting part 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwMleT4rwZ4&feature=related ----Chainspotting part 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZSpvZ5AORE&feature=related --- Chainspotting part 4

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx_BQTTbKhc --- chainspotting 5

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