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Do You Recognise The First Setting Of This Video?


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hi people.

this is random as f**k! I was just browsing some videos on the intertw@ and there is a video of some hot chick doing some pretty decent (for a woman :P) parkour.

But why in trials chat you may ask?

Well id just like to know if someone like me instantly knows what im on about when i say 'the set of bollards in the first scene' be specific....

i was toying between BOTI and here to post but chose here as its not BOTI and is trials related.



Edited by arw_86
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ye one of them, its when jeff lenosky hops accros them bein filmed from the other side and people cheer him as he gets to the last one and he turns his head as he drops.... :- :$

....man i really wanna watch that again! For me that video is what trials is! everything stems from that and everything still is that (least thats what i want it to be). They were the fun days :( So hard to explain but trials is so different now. I guess i feel like a parent would when they finally realise their kid has grown up and they are moving onward and upwards without them.

87 views, and only 2 people know, both senior members.........I feel somewhat proud/ pleased im not the only geek.

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I used to love this song during the Ryan Leech part.

I tried to find my old vids the other day but i think my mates dad binned them accidentally, revolution,evolve, down and bi-king all gone >_<

Still got chainspotting though which is the reason i started riding, shame i still ride like i did back then :giggle:

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Think I've seen revolution years ago, what was the vid with all the aussies in it??

i think revolution is when part of it goes to stratford upon avon here! where i ride! was so weird being able to go to all them spots to appreciate it all.

as for the evolve soundtrack! I LOVE IT!!!!! and that song isitafox posted up! BANGIN! cheers bud

Edited by arw_86
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I met up with my old riding buddy last night for a couple of bevvies having not spoken to him for yonks and we spent a not inconsiderable amount of time talking about Evolve. I f**king love that video. Anyone know if it's online anywhere? It'd be legal to download of course, what with me owning the VHS and not having anything to play it on!

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