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Heatsink Yellows Backings


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Hi all

I am thinking of geting Heatsink yellows and was woundering if it is worth the extra £10 for metal backings.

What i want to know:

Pro's and cons

Does it make any overall diferance in the brakk

Many thanks


Edited by Rowlly21
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Say you didn't have your pads lined up nice and square the plastic backings would bend and still give you a curved pad, but not too noticeable.

The metal backings don't bend, therefore you have to have them as square as possible. However, the metal ones are stronger and I think they give you a better hold.

I would most definitely go for metal backings. (CNC Backings).

Edited by dannytrialskid
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Just to echo what's been said - metal backings make a huge difference. :) Any flex in your brake (be it backings, clamps, booster, frame or rim) means deformation - so energy is going into bending (and heating) the component in question, rather than in stopping the wheel from turning round.

There's really no need for plastic backings in today's world of high speed internet and 3D TV. They should be bound to the past!

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