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Moving To Milton Keynes


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Hi guys im moving to MK at the end of september and was wondering if there are many riders there?

Would be good to meet some local riders and get a scene going!

Any good places to ride there?


Hey! MK is one of my favourite places to ride, such a great vibe at night and some really nice spots.

There are quite a few riders in Milton Keynes, Chris Hinson being one. Quite a few others aswell.

I only live in Dunstable so will be good to ride sometime. :)


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Haha 2 very different responses there then!

Yeah ive heard the town is just like a grid, sounds a bit boring but its what inside the grid that counts right!?

Im moving from peterborough so how would you say it compares if you've ridden there?

Any good natural stuff? What are the really nice spots you mentioned like?

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Prepare to be rather bored. The whole town is square and made up of straight lines. The riding is ok but I couldn't see there being a good whole days worth there, a few hours in the evening is enough, far too many of the spots are the same as every other spot you've just come from or are going to.

We didn't go to many though by the sounds of it, to be fair it was dark and we were limited to places with lights.

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I tend to ride MK a fair bit during the week in the evenings. As said the 'grid system' (which to be fair is built primarily for Shopping) can get tedious quickly as most of it is exactly the same, there are however some great spots out of the central area but requires riding fair distances between places and are not lit up well/at all..... There is a great bunch of lads in MK though who ride often, get involved :)

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MK's best ridden on Sundays really, as all the big companies are closed, and there's hardly and security! There's quite a lot of spots, but as said they're not very well lit at night.

It's a good place to have some chilled evening rides though. There's quite a few of us dotted around locally, so you'll usually find someone to come out and play!

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Excellent place to ride, every time.

Been there thrice, and they were each probably in the top 10 best rides of my life.

Thinking of heading back this weekend ^_^

Ignore what Boumsong said. If you don't want straight lines, don't ride street :P

Edit: Chris Hinson and Stuart.... I don't know his last name live there, or very locally if not.

Edited by aener
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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is a trials forum but mk has got one of the best bmx tracks I've been to. And I'm not sure if it's still there but they did have woburn sands which was an awesome dirt jumping, xc and downhill area :)

Thanks for the replies guys.

Yeah going to check out woburn today for a bit of XC.

Hope to ride trials soon in Milton Keynes!

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