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Well, i guess i should say hi.

hope everyone has had a decent day today.

I right now have a Zoo python (believe its an 05), currently has busted hs33's need bleeding, has no grips and a bit of a dent in the bottom

of the frame. but hey im guessing most peoples 1st bikes weren't brilliant. (if they where good i feel a little gutted)

im moving to australia in 8 days for about 2 years and i'm thinking about getting it shipped out so i can practice instead of going down the pub

spending money!

once i get my brakes in working order i can begin! i done a bit of riding on a Mod and started to get the hang of it pretty easy, is it easier on a mod or


thanks for reading...... screech!

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Hey man.

I'd say it's a lot easier to start on a mod and move to a stock once all the basics are covered :). Mods IMO are generally more flickier due to the smaller wheel size and easier to learn stuff on.

Gave you a validation vote too :)


Edited by dann2707
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Hey man.

I'd say it's a lot easier to start on a mod and move to a stock once all the basics are covered :). Mods are generally more flickier due to the smaller wheel size and easier to learn stuff on.

Gave you a validation vote too :)


I really don't think that's true.

It's all down to preference I think - for example I can barely even ride in a straight line on a mod. Granted I'm no Ryan Leech on any bike but I certainly find 24 / 26 easier.

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I really don't think that's true.

It's all down to preference I think - for example I can barely even ride in a straight line on a mod. Granted I'm no Ryan Leech on any bike but I certainly find 24 / 26 easier.

Ahh fair enough. Just my opinion. Added a cushy IMO to my initial post. :)


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Thanks for replying so quickly

i did have a 2003 t-pro a few years ago but i had started a new job and passed my driving test and thought that at the time my car was better than the bike, but now, it crossed my mind that you don't need to buy ridiculous amounts of petrol to ride :) and that i also need a decent hobby.

i looked on the Aussie eBay last night and there is no market for trials which is a shame

i think mostly it come down to practicing hard with what you've got!

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