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Downtube Protector..


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Hey all, a few days ago I got the carbon downtube protector thingy. A while back , I saw a Zoo! Lynx with a hole cut in the protector to go over the bashplate mount thing. If you know, what would i need to do this? And how would I do it?

Cheeers :P

Put your dick through it to make hole, well thats if you have one of course :P

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That was my bike you saw.

I used a pillar drill with a deburring tool in it.

If you choose to go ahead with this make sure you wear breathing protection.

There is strong evidence to link carbon fibre particles with cancer.

Okay, thanks for the advice, i dont think i will do it just yet.

And these days what doesnt give you cancer, apparently opening your eyes gives you it :S

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Hey all, a few days ago I got the carbon downtube protector thingy. A while back , I saw a Zoo! Lynx with a hole cut in the protector to go over the bashplate mount thing. If you know, what would i need to do this? And how would I do it?

Cheeers :P

Have you got a link to the pic as I would quite like to see this :)

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What is the plate actually there for? If hitting it supposedly will damage your frame, and the bash ring is on your cranks anyway, surely it would be better without one?

Just a thought


Biektrial used to be all about bunnyhop to bash etc...proper BIU moves, its slowly moved away from that with the new UCI style coming in but frames are still sporting their BIU roots

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