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Hello Trials-Forum!

Well I'll start with the basics :)

I'm Grant MacDonald, I live in Inverness and ride an Onza Rip '10 (Red).

The changes I have made to my bike are -

A rear '04 Maggy with Heatsink Red pads, front heatsink yellow vee's, foam grips.

I have been riding quite a while now, around 3 months (maybe not so long :lol: ). I usualy ride with my friends around my street and sometimes town centre in Inverness and the islands. I look forward to being able to use this entire site like the trials chat and for sale, videos etc.

I have read the rules and know about the validation system.

Hope you all welcome me,

Grant :)

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It's good to see some proper grammar and punctuation for a change. Hope you make full use of the forum. Any vids or pics of your riding you could put on here, as I'm really interested in seeing what can be done on the Rip, as I'm getting the Bird in November so would be cool to see what is doable on the bikes.


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It's good to see some proper grammar and punctuation for a change. Hope you make full use of the forum. Any vids or pics of your riding you could put on here, as I'm really interested in seeing what can be done on the Rip, as I'm getting the Bird in November so would be cool to see what is doable on the bikes.


The rip is a very nice bike, despite what people think about the smaller back tyre/wheel it is very good, as is the Bird. Alot can be done on it, just I seem to be getting alot of punctures due to low tyre pressures, but i pump them up hard now. My friend has got a Bird, it is a very very good bike, admittidley (sp?) the Bird is quite heavy and same with the rip it could do with a freewheel, apart from that, good bikes. Hope you like your Bird when you get it.

Edited by Grant-MacD
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