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One Question About Onza Rip (2010) Brakes


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Hey, I don't have a trials bike but I would love to start trials biking, and the onza rip seems the best first bike to get, as I don't have loads of money to throw out, but i'm not sure about the brake.

The thing is, my mountain bike has the same type, I think it's called V-brakes? but anyway, I was doing jumps on it and a bit bent on the brake, meaning it wouldn't pull the pads to the rim, or pull anything because one side of the brake came off, sorry if this is hard to follow, i'll post pictures if you're confused. But the bending resulted in me having to put tape on the brakes so they would pull the pads to the rim, but it's lost all the break power and takes about 30 feet to stop when i'm going at about 20MPH.

Any ideas? sorry If i'm confusing :blink:

George :lol:

Edited by DrStix
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from what i have read all that has happened to your mtb v brakes is that where the cable noodle slots into place on the calliper, the gap has opened meaning it wont hold it in place? if so a pair of pliers and very gently squeeze the metal together, will never be as strong as it was but will be fine as a short term fix mate.

As for the brakes on the rip, as long as they are set up well they will be good, alot to be said for simplicity!

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I did squeeze the metal with pliers a few times but it just kept getting worse and in the end I just had to tape it together :/. But i've considered getting new brakes but I doubt I can afford new ones at the moment, so I might take the brakes off a spare bike we have. :giggle:

it sort of sounds like the spring has come out and bent does it look like a thin rod(spring) coming from the brake if so push it towards the brake and under-neith the brake should be a little metal piece sticking out just tuck the spring behind that try that


I'll have a look tomorrow, my bike isn't with me at the moment.

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