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Kent Ride :) Look"--"


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durrr, wrong section. go back to nmc :ermm:

bring back the old validation system

Boosts the chances of it coming back if we're polite ;)

Jesus guys - all he did was put a thread in the wrong section!

It's not like he was being a tool or anything - people put threads in the wrong section all the time, more senior members included.

I think you may have over reacted just a tad.

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Jesus guys - all he did was put a thread in the wrong section!

It's not like he was being a tool or anything - people put threads in the wrong section all the time, more senior members included.

I think you may have over reacted just a tad.

I only told him to say please lol, didnt mean he should be put back to NMC. Quite frankly i should be put back! LOL Not that i wwant to be.

Whats with the random letter capitalisation?

Anyway, off we go....


Notice its the letter 'A' that it starts at? The letter right next to the caps lock button... I do it myself sometimes.

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