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Crank Offset


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I got an 09 echo team frame the other day and i was planning on using the parts from my old Monty 221 to build it up. Already discovered that my back wheel is too narrow , 106mm by the looks of it and i'm not sure if my cranks have got enough offset to clear the stays? I have measured them as 28mm offset drive side and 25mm offset non-drive side and i have ordered a 127.5mm BB to run them on but cant be sure that they will fit until it turns up?

Do you think they will fit or should i order some new cranks?

Also if i do need new cranks is it worth going for ISIS as I've never had any problems with square taper cranks before and it means spending even more money that i haven't really got?

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I got an 09 echo team frame the other day and i was planning on using the parts from my old Monty 221 to build it up. Already discovered that my back wheel is too narrow , 106mm by the looks of it and i'm not sure if my cranks have got enough offset to clear the stays? I have measured them as 28mm offset drive side and 25mm offset non-drive side and i have ordered a 127.5mm BB to run them on but cant be sure that they will fit until it turns up?

Do you think they will fit or should i order some new cranks?

Also if i do need new cranks is it worth going for ISIS as I've never had any problems with square taper cranks before and it means spending even more money that i haven't really got?

Wait until they turn up and try??

If isis is to expensive stick with square taper.

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I thought a 127mm bb would be long enough till I measured the offset,most of the cranks that tarty sell have a 34/35 mm offset.

If they won't fit I would rather add some new cranks to my order before it gets sent, it'll save a bit of time and money.

I don't mind spending the money if there is a noticeable difference between Isis and square taper, never had any problems with my RS7's and they've seen plenty of action!

If anyone knows the measurement between the bb shell and crank arm on a 127.5 mm bb then I could measure it and decide, I guess I need about 5mm clearance minimum between the cranks and the stays to avoid them touching if they flex?

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