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Adam And Mark At Shipley

Mark W

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Imaginatively titled thread, eh? Adam and I went for a ride at Shipley (and Flappits on the way back because Adam hadn't been there before) and did a bit of filming - Adam threw the clips together yesterday and then spent about 36 hours trying to get it to export properly. Premiere is balls.

Anyway, no music, just some clips loosely edited together.

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ahh, the infamous puddle of aids. I was expecting more dead pigeons though.

cool riding, but I see you guys ride all the time so I expect no less.

Also, lack of music means I can experiment with other tunes to see if they suit riding vids, yay.

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Music would have made it so much better I think. Still nice though :)

I'm still not digging the whole brakeless thing that much... maybe I'll change my mind when I have a go one day.

Was thinking the same thing myself. Seemed very "BMX-y" imo.

Good vid though. I fancy Shipley soon

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Level of "BMXy" stuff depends what sort of mood I'm in on the day, really. Was riding like a turd on that particular day so opted out of doing techidy tech stuff and just did some fun 'streety' kinda stuff instead.

Yeah man, like the footjam and that :)

Love the colour of the bike btw, very nice indeed.

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Wish id of known u guys were at the flappit, i live like 2 mins away from it, could of nipped up foir a bit!

We were only there for about half an hour - we just sorta decided to ride Shipley, then on the way back I thought I'd show Adam Flappits as he hadn't been there and in a loose "It's on the way back, kinda" sorta way it made sense to go there :P

Some cool stuff further in. I've not really ridden much more there than what was in the vid, and a little session I had there with Ali a while ago. Both times I've been there've been some proper redneck types cruising around on motocross bikes and quads, it's pure comedy seeing them.

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We were only there for about half an hour - we just sorta decided to ride Shipley, then on the way back I thought I'd show Adam Flappits as he hadn't been there and in a loose "It's on the way back, kinda" sorta way it made sense to go there :P

Some cool stuff further in. I've not really ridden much more there than what was in the vid, and a little session I had there with Ali a while ago. Both times I've been there've been some proper redneck types cruising around on motocross bikes and quads, it's pure comedy seeing them.

haha good description, was good fun though in a friends fourtrack..(people at work call me redneck cause i live in silsden)...saw a lad there on a fancy massive motocross and promptly stalled it like 5 times in a row.

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