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Yeah was thinking if you had a centred one then getting an offset one would cure it but obviously not if thats what you've already got.

One last question for you, sorry to be a pain but this is really annoying me an wanna get it sorted for you, I know how pissed off I'd be if it were me!

What is the width of the bottom bracket shell? It sounds like a different bottom bracket may be the cure, if the shell is 68mm then you're best finding a 68mm BB rather than a 73mm with a spacer and maybe running a 122.5mm length axle instead of 128mm.

If you really want the best advice I'd ring up tartybikes in the morning and tell them your spec, they should be able to tell you what will work and then get hold of rock and roll bikes and tell them the setup they advised doesn't work and try and get a refund on the BB

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Ok thanks,

We've taken the spacer out of the bb and really put some pain on while tightening up the arms and it now seems to be running more inline.

I think that could possibly be the problem, the shell (i take it that is the part of the frame where the bb goes) is 68mm and there was something on the bb about 68mm and 73mm with spacer/without spacer.

Don't fancy trying to get the arms off again, without the proper tool.

I'll give Rock N Roll a ring tomorrow and see what they say.

Thanks for all your help

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Yup that sounds about right, see what r n r say tomorrow. If they're any good they should try and help you put it right seen as its them who advised you to buy that setup.

If you do manage to blag a refund may I suggest either the Echo TR ISIS bb or the Tryall one, got one of each myself an they're spot on, especially the tryall as the bearings are replaceable as are the cups that hold it in (in case you butcher the teeth fitting it like I did!)

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when i push my right pedal down when pedalin along something makes a big clunk has any one got any ideas as what i could be????



it could also be your bottom brackett is a bit loose i had that when i got the bike and i just tightened bottom brackett and it was fine mate

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its more likely the hub, ball bearing hopped out of mine and then made a funny noise, take it apart and make sure the correct amount of ball bearings are in and grease everything up.

Thats what i was planning to do but i dont know how to.

have you checked the chain? cus a mate of mine his chain was catching on the bash guard... so as he pedaled the chain caught the bash and then as the pressure built up the chain was pulled out making a sort of clunking noise.... hope that might help


It couldn't possibly be that as i dont have a bash plate.

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