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I Got My Girlfriend Pregnant...


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We both don't want to tell our parents and she's about 4 weeks pregnant, how do we get rid of it?

Ever heard of the handstand abortion? Being upside down for long enough causes a natural abortion.

Else your going to have to tell parents which I take you dont want to do.

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Ever heard of the handstand abortion? Being upside down for long enough causes a natural abortion.

Else your going to have to tell parents which I take you dont want to do.

How long do you have to be upside down for?

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just go to the doctors and get the abortion? they dont tell your parents if you dont want them to, or have the abortion done private

Right, so I just say- I got my girlfriend pregnant, can you give her an abortion? Is that it?

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just go to the doctors and get the abortion? they dont tell your parents if you dont want them to, or have the abortion done private

As above.

Without banging heads on the desk;

If people still hadn't taken note. TF IS NOT A SERIOUS PLACE

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Even as a minor I believe you are entitled to doctor-patient confidentiality. So an abortion is something you can do without your parents finding out.

If you and your lady friend do decide to have an abortion make sure you're ready to support her afterward for the next week or so. My ex, for the duration of the rest of our relationship, never really got over hers. Understandably, it's not a pleasant experience both physically and mentally. You may also need to travel somewhere aside from the town or city where you live because not everywhere has a clinic.

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Okay thanks, going to go do that today.

you will need to go to the doctors with her, she must come with you or they wont do anything.

they will tell you to go to the nearest sexual health clinic, and the doctor there will have to get another doctor to agree to the abortion.

you will be givin a date etc and go from there.

it would be completely confidential and the doctors are not aloud to tell your parents about it! but they advise you to do so.

if it helps mate, i have nearly been in this situation before! we was lucky she came on a week late! (could say it was a mini misscarrage?)

good luck mate!!

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I don't believe some of the replies in here. I know we can all be a bit harsh, but this is a properly serious problem for this kid and giving joke answers isn't going to be helping him during this very difficult time.

Go to the doctors, as has been said. They will be confidential, but this is going to be harder than you can imagine for both you and her - so get ready to be there for her, but also make sure you're there for yourself.

Good luck (Y)

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