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Trialtech Foam Grips And Magura Hs33


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I'm thinking of getting some Trialtech foam grips and I was just wondering are they any good ?

And do they help at all ??

I'm also thinking of getting Rear Magura hs33 and I was hoping you could tell me if they worth the price ??

And also if they are any good and improve your riding ??


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I'm thinking of getting some Trialtech foam grips and I was just wondering are they any good ?

And do they help at all ??

I'm also thinking of getting Rear Magura hs33 and I was hoping you could tell me if they worth the price ??

And also if they are any good and improve your riding ??


Bought some trial-tech foamies last week, best grips made IMO. I think alot of people will agree these grips are fantastic!

Maggy hs33's are weell worth the price, you should get some heatsink yellow CNC backings pads from heatsinkbikes.com or something... They are the best pads available IMO.

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Bought some trial-tech foamies last week, best grips made IMO. I think alot of people will agree these grips are fantastic!

Maggy hs33's are weell worth the price, you should get some heatsink yellow CNC backings pads from heatsinkbikes.com or something... They are the best pads available IMO.


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I'm thinking of getting some Trialtech foam grips and I was just wondering are they any good ?

And do they help at all ??

I'm also thinking of getting Rear Magura hs33 and I was hoping you could tell me if they worth the price ??

And also if they are any good and improve your riding ??


to both products BUY THEM

the foamys ive been riding with six months my friends all say there horrible but i love them and after using them a while they get more comfy and there much better than rubber grips :D

and maggie's are great ive had min 2 months and with a good set up they can be amazing

Edited by liam n
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to both products BUY THEM

^ What he said

The trialtech foams are undoubtedly the best foam grips on the market. But (like all foam grips), if you fall off, they will rip and get worse as you ride it more ripped.

Also, disc brakes are good, but if you get a 'bad one' you really do get a bad one.

Magura brakes are cheaper, biteyer, more reliable and give a better hold.

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Magura brakes are cheaper, biteyer, more reliable and give a better hold.

But vee brakes are cheaper still (especially if you already have vee mounts), lighter, more adjustable and have more hold than HS33s.

but yeah, trialtech grips are very good.

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I just used WD40 type spray to put my TT foams on my bars.

Funnily enough they are on solid and dont slip.

i use to use wd40 but the last few times ive dont it it was a epic fail <_<

i just put my onza grips on and use muc off spray thing ( the black spray whic you put on your bike after you cleaned it ) :) came back an hour later and BAM ! they were stuck :)

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i use to use wd40 but the last few times ive dont it it was a epic fail <_<

i just put my onza grips on and use muc off spray thing ( the black spray whic you put on your bike after you cleaned it ) :) came back an hour later and BAM ! they were stuck :)

I used hairspray to put my trial techs on and they stuck when i was still trying to get them on... Epic fail (N) i was using all of my strength to push the whole thing on lol.

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