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Tips On How To Pedal Up Things


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Good question dude.

Best advice that can be given is to just ride, dont worry about doing this and learning that, and getting that high etc.

There is no point in rushing into it, don't know how old you are but guessing quite young.

This means you have an advantage over old gits like myself:

You have ages to become a-mazing and you probably will alot faster than you think.

1 ft pedal kick is a respectable height to be at after not riding trials for long, there are plenty o riders that cannot do that after a year.

It will come naturally as you ride more. Just being on yer bike will improve everything, so just ride it, try stuff, fail stuff and make stuff, it's all part o the fun.

to answer the problem in a more technical manner, you are probably not pre-loading very much and if you are young you will have a muscle weight disadvantage for a short time, the best way to overcome this is to ride more and keep trying

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Good question dude.

Best advice that can be given is to just ride, dont worry about doing this and learning that, and getting that high etc.

There is no point in rushing into it, don't know how old you are but guessing quite young.

This means you have an advantage over old gits like myself:

You have ages to become a-mazing and you probably will alot faster than you think.

1 ft pedal kick is a respectable height to be at after not riding trials for long, there are plenty o riders that cannot do that after a year.

It will come naturally as you ride more. Just being on yer bike will improve everything, so just ride it, try stuff, fail stuff and make stuff, it's all part o the fun.

to answer the problem in a more technical manner, you are probably not pre-loading very much and if you are young you will have a muscle weight disadvantage for a short time, the best way to overcome this is to ride more and keep trying

Thanks man.

Im 16 years old by the way. About 5ft 9inches.

But yeah i guess youre right about just riding.

I need to ride in different places a lot i think, so i have experience of different situations/surroundings.

Think Im going to start going into Dunfermline or Perth or Edinburgh.

Thanks for the advice though (Y)

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Ok in that case, what do you think i should be working on?

I can pedal kick reasonabley confidently but dont really know what to practice/learn


I've been riding just over a year now, same as Alex (alex-trials-boy on here) and i learnt things how i learnt them and in the order i wanted to learn them he learnt them in cirtan orders but i came off top, i dont mean to sound as if this IS the right way to learn things but i found you learn things quicker like this and its more fun doing it like that. I didn't mean this post to sound rude or boastful atall

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