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Formatting My Acer Laptop


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Generally, put a windows install disk in, boot from the cd on startup and format the disk when you get the option :)

Follow the instructions and it should be all pretty self explanatory.

Would be worth downloading the drivers from the acer website beforehand so you can get up and running without having to get onto the net. Once windows is installed download the latest service pack and install it, run windows update and away you go.

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before u do that m8, to save u time an effort u should delete all the files u dont use ie films music pics ect.. then download ccleaner, ccleaer is really good and will get rid of allsorts u dont need and stuff u never new you had.. i did it on my m8s lappy for him the other day, it cleared 10gig of crap and his lappy runs like new now.. i use ccleaner every 3 days to keep my comp running smooth.. heres a link for the download m8 and use the first download thats the best 1... once youv got it downloaded (only takes a min or 2). if you need any help on how to use it let me no, altho its very easy to use http://download.cnet.com/1770-20_4-0.html?query=ccleaner&tag=srch&searchtype=downloads&filterName=platform%3DWindows,Webware&filter=platform%3DWindows,Webware

Edited by monty madness
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before u do that m8, to save u time an effort u should delete all the files u dont use ie films music pics ect.. then download ccleaner, ccleaer is really good and will get rid of allsorts u dont need and stuff u never new you had.. i did it on my m8s lappy for him the other day, it cleared 10gig of crap and his lappy runs like new now.. i use ccleaner every 3 days to keep my comp running smooth.. heres a link for the download m8 and use the first download thats the best 1... once youv got it downloaded (only takes a min or 2). if you need any help on how to use it let me no, altho its very easy to use http://download.cnet.com/1770-20_4-0.html?query=ccleaner&tag=srch&searchtype=downloads&filterName=platform%3DWindows,Webware&filter=platform%3DWindows,Webware

I have no idea what you just said.

Eeeeehe, I see the spelling bee!

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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Before you do that mate, to save you time and effort you should delete all the files you dont use ie films music pics ect. then download CCleaner. CCleaner is really good and will get rid of allsorts you dont need and stuff you never knew you had. I did it on my mates lappy for him the other day, it cleared 10gig of crap and his lappy runs like new now. I use ccleaner every 3 days to keep my comp running smooth. Heres a link for the download, mate, and use the first download- that's the best one... Once you've got it downloaded (only takes a minute or 2) if you need any help on how to use it let me know, although it's very easy to use. http://download.cnet...Windows,Webware

For the love of all things honey coated, please put at least a small amount of effort into your posts. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

P.S. Spelling Bee also uses CCleaner in his hive and it works wonders for the cleanliness of Spelling Bee's computer.

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For the love of all things honey coated, please put at least a small amount of effort into your posts. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

P.S. Spelling Bee also uses CCleaner in his hive and it works wonders for the cleanliness of Spelling Bee's computer.

You missed a CCleaner, but I'll let you off because I love your (/you,) honey.

Edited by JDâ„¢
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I have no idea what you just said.

Eeeeehe, I see the spelling bee!

i do speak jiberish i times lol.. basicly means download ccleaner to clean the lappy/pc before reformatting.. alot easyer and quicker

For the love of all things honey coated, please put at least a small amount of effort into your posts. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

P.S. Spelling Bee also uses CCleaner in his hive and it works wonders for the cleanliness of Spelling Bee's computer.

theres allways some1 int there.. ill spell how i wana spell if youv got nawt else better to do than slag off my spelling you seriously need to get out more.. im only trying to help the guy out

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i do speak jiberish i times lol.. basicly means download ccleaner to clean the lappy/pc before reformatting.. alot easyer and quicker

theres allways some1 int there.. ill spell how i wana spell if youv got nawt else better to do than slag off my spelling you seriously need to get out more.. im only trying to help the guy out

He is the Spelling Bee afterall.

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I do speak jiberish at times lol. Basically means download CCleaner to clean the lappy/pc before reformatting. A lot easier and quicker.

There's always someone isn't there? I'll spell how I want to spell if you've got nothing else better to do than slag off my spelling you seriously need to get out more.. I'm only trying to help the guy out.

You may be trying to help the guy out but your postzzzzzzzz are an eyezzzzzzzzzzore of bastardizzzzzzzzzzzed English which makezzzzzzz Spelling Bee'zzzzzzzz eyezzzzzzzzzzzz bleed. It doesn't take a minute to spellcheck a post now doezzzzzzzzz it? Correct spelling and grammar makezzzzzzzz thingzzzzzzz far eazzzzzier to read and would stop busy Beezzzzzzz like me from becoming distressed. Buzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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You may be trying to help the guy out but your postzzzzzzzz are an eyezzzzzzzzzzore of bastardizzzzzzzzzzzed English which makezzzzzzz Spelling Bee'zzzzzzzz eyezzzzzzzzzzzz bleed. It doesn't take a minute to spellcheck a post now doezzzzzzzzz it? Correct spelling and grammar makezzzzzzzz thingzzzzzzz far eazzzzzier to read and would stop busy Beezzzzzzz like me from becoming distressed. Buzzzzzzzzzzzz.

lol sorry will remember for next time.. now BUZZ OFF lol only joking

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If you have the original CD that came with the laptop it's a doddle. Just put it in and if nothing comes up restart your computer. Then just follow the steps though.

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