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Sidehop First Day


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So basicaly you may have seen my other "sidehops are annoying" thread. Well you guys here on TF have helped me alot with sidehopping. So i have been trying for a week and never seem to get it. Today i was trying hard, like i was putting myself as far as i could go. Unfortunatly the person filming didnt film any sidehops, just statics ( side to backs) so the titles and captions are completly wrong, but i swear i can land on 2 wheels on the biggest wall ( like 1 1/2 foot :giggle: ) It will be in my next video. I was only practising about 4 hours, and this is what i accomplished.....

Vimeo Video -> Original Video

I know this in already in trials chat, i just thought more people would watch in videos.

And please take a minute of your time to read the above, if not you will think it is rubbish....

Kieran ;)

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not bad for a weeks work, just remember to kick harder and spring up faster.

Its only really been a day, cos i didnt know what to do untill TF told me last night. So a days worth of full practising, i loved it.


pretty darn good, i can't even sidehop :giggle:

if you don't mind me asking how old are you?

Im 12 mate, And i hate being 12 :lol:

Thanks alot, have a look at the topic i made last night on trials chat, it helped me and another guy out, so it should help you :)

Thanks again,


Edited by modifiedridah2k9
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