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Tensile 96Click Skipping.


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Basically, I've not fitted my 96click yet and I've heard, theres a shit load of grease in them normally. So, should I go whack some wd40 in there, to remove it, and then put some of my thin wet lube in it? Or just take it apart and give it a proper service?

*Disclaimer: I know how to take apart tensiles, well any freewheel and re-assemble them.

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Sorry if this seems a little stupid to ask but, surely the grease is in there for a reason?

theres no need for the grease, a light oil will do the job excellent.

they come with a lot of grease inside them, just spray wd40?gt85 in there and it will be fine. finish line wet xc lube will do (Y) its light, thin and last forever.

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I haven't had a freewheel that the use of GT-85 didn't improve.

I'd agree with that on a new freewheel. But on a well ridden freewheel, where the grease is dirty, it can lead to very gritty bearings. Grease may not be the best thing for the ratchets and pawls but it does do a VERY important job of keeping the bearings in good order!

I'm not saying don't use GT85, but just make sure you flush it through thoroughly. And for the sake of the bearings use some decent wet chain lube like finish line and try and get a good coating all the way around the internals.

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I had to flush out my freewheel with WD-40, it completely seized on me at a demo about 3 weeks after buying it. I didn't ride it much in that 3 weeks due to working commitments.

It's a bit better now, but in my opinion it is a terrible freewheel to do that after 3 weeks.

I've had Eno, and Try-all in the past, the Tensile has most definately been the worst of the three.

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I had to flush out my freewheel with WD-40, it completely seized on me at a demo about 3 weeks after buying it. I didn't ride it much in that 3 weeks due to working commitments.

It's a bit better now, but in my opinion it is a terrible freewheel to do that after 3 weeks.

I've had Eno, and Try-all in the past, the Tensile has most definately been the worst of the three.

I will second you on that. I bought one and chiped every single pawl so i ended up with vertially no engagements. Skipped like a schoolgirl with grease in, skipped when it had been serviced too.

Kindly Onza replaced it with a 60 click and Tarty swapped it for an echo TR. Its surprising how much confidence it gives!

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