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New Member With Some Questions...


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Hello everybody!

I'm new to the trial world and forum. I have some experience in downhill and freeride and after watching some videos I've asked my self: how is that I'm riding at top speed downhill and I can't even stay still for 3 seconds without touching the floor!?

I don't know if I should buy a trial bicycle right now as I'm back to my country for summer, although in September I'll go back to London. I would like to know if I could learn the very basics with a Monty BMX 139 from when I was like 10 years old :S I guess that I should practice the track-stand until I make it perfect. Should I block the bike and try to stay still even if I fall immediately? or should I play with the brakes and whenever I see myself losing a bit of balance release the breaks and block them again when I've gained the balance again? Hopefully you know what I'm trying to say... :P

When I get the money and I decide myself, what bike should I go for? As I'm living in London I'm more interested in street so I don't know if I should get a 24''. I'm 6ft tall and 63 kg, does that matter? Should I go for a Mod instead? I guess I'll go for a second hand bike if I can but I doubt there are many 24''s out there as they're quite new, aren't they?

Well, in the end my introduction is quite long and full of questions... :P hope you don't mind!


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Hello everybody!

I'm new to the trial world and forum. I have some experience in downhill and freeride and after watching some videos I've asked my self: how is that I'm riding at top speed downhill and I can't even stay still for 3 seconds without touching the floor!?

Gyroscopic effect.....

Here you go fella:

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Thanks for the quick response Matt. I've seen some videos explaining this and it looks like they turn the handlebar in the opposite direction of their front foot. So if their dominant foot is the left one, they'll turn the handlebar 45ยบ to the right. That seems easier for me as today has been my second day trying to get the trackstand right. Don't you think?

By the way, what I meant is that once you're trying to do it in flat land using the brakes, should I try to have the bike completely blocked? or if I see that I'm about to fall, should I release the breakes, try to get the balance right again, and then block the bike again? I guess it's kind of a silly question...

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You learn to keep the balance up "playing" your brakes AND body, too. It's not necessary to block the bike: you have to feel which way it wants to move. When you turn your handlebar aside, the bike will try to move back, so you have to push a pedal slightly stronger than just putting your foot on it. Also, when the bike is about to collapse - use the brake not to lose it. It's all about practice actually, you should be doing well in a few days if you train according to the video posted above. Good luck.

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Hey. I haven't been trials biking for long and I'm struggling with Pedal kicks :ermm: . Can anyone give me any tips or techniques to help me Pedal kick :)

Thanks Joe

1.Practice wheelies and rear wheel hops.

2.Get the feel of the bike so you feel you are in complete control.

3.Watch vidio tutorials.

4.Practice the pedal kicks. You should get them faily quickly but dont get impatcient. These things take time.

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You learn to keep the balance up "playing" your brakes AND body, too. It's not necessary to block the bike: you have to feel which way it wants to move. When you turn your handlebar aside, the bike will try to move back, so you have to push a pedal slightly stronger than just putting your foot on it. Also, when the bike is about to collapse - use the brake not to lose it. It's all about practice actually, you should be doing well in a few days if you train according to the video posted above. Good luck.

As above.

It is important to do this on a slope, use the slope to allow the bike to roll back lightly,just a tiny bit, this pushes you leading pedal up so you can push it down again, level. This makes your bike rock. this way you need not use the brakes at all.

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