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So, Let me fill you in with my story.

I was going along and thought "wow a curb, im gunna do a pull up onto it". Pulled up too early, front wheel smacked into the curb. I put my hands out to stop me, the bars flew round into my groin. I had to have 3 stitches near my pubic bone. And... IT HURT! :angry:(N)

What are your bad or stupid accidents?

Edited by Kenny--Trials
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Bunny Hopped at speed up a curb, didnt make the distance and bounced my back tyre off the curb. Front flip to follow and lost my front teeth.

Down a hill, too much front brake = snapped Ulna

360 on my skates, dodgy landing leading to a dislocted knee, torn minicus cartilage followed by a year of physio and then an operation to remove the torn caritlage (Y)

Bunny Hop over a few small crates, miss-timed back wheel leading to balls on tyre and cuts on them.

I have too many haha

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My two bollards in my close me nd laurence stretched loads of elastic bands across to side hop over i thought i'd pedal kick over them when they were only 24" high, rear wheel hit the floor slipped out in front of me nd i fell on my back and hit my head on the floor (i think ill buy a helmet :) )

Secondly my first day of trials when i had the pitbull got up onto a pile of sand went to wheelie of just lifted the front nd the rear wheel didnt want to move lol so i got a face full of sand :D

And last a few days ago when i just got home from holls i went to 180 drop of bout a 2.5ft concrete block got the rear wheel the full 180 round, then went to bring the front wheel of but didnt lol so fell nd got some stones in my elbow and a small sliver of one through the palm of my hand :) Oh well (Mabey some gloves on the shopping list to :P )

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Had a long ride in town, was outside my house and i went to pedal kicked down a curb and fell backwards. Leading the stem hitting my square on the head and having needed my head glued :P ( Time to wear my helmet and replace pads :P )

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I went on my mates bike, And i went up to backwheel on a rock (that was not even 10cm hight) and when I went to drop off the other side.

And my foot got caught in the chainstay and went straight over the bars, Landed on my chin... but somehow broke my elbowdry.gif

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rolling along the path at about 5 miles an hour when i decided to cross the road. little hop off the curb, while in the air realised i was heading for some glass put one foot down as i landed, ankle span round.

i had damaged all the ligaments etc in my ankle. turned black instantly. to make it worse i couldn't drive and couldn't afford a a taxi so had to then walk a mile to the bus stop sit on the bus for 30mins then walk another 2 miles to the hospital, then do it all again on the way back home

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Was riding in the dark and failed to see a curb, went over the bars. Ended with just a scratch on my balls, but it did hurt quite alot.

Also went for a long session last week, already had done very much riding that day but thought to myself "hmm one more shouldn't hurt" . Did a pedal up and went trough my back, probably because I had already stressed my body too much. Couldn't walk the first 2 days and it's seems like it will take quite a while to recover. It would probably be fine if I had just stopped those last 15min :(

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Dude that is the best bike crash I have ever,ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


rolling along the path at about 5 miles an hour when i decided to cross the road. little hop off the curb, while in the air realised i was heading for some glass put one foot down as i landed, ankle span round.

i had damaged all the ligaments etc in my ankle. turned black instantly. to make it worse i couldn't drive and couldn't afford a a taxi so had to then walk a mile to the bus stop sit on the bus for 30mins then walk another 2 miles to the hospital, then do it all again on the way back home

Never pike out mid move, piked out on a up to front, same injury resulted worst injury I have ever had out of all my injuries because it really f**ked my riding/life up.

Was riding in the dark and failed to see a curb, went over the bars. Ended with just a scratch on my balls, but it did hurt quite alot.

Also went for a long session last week, already had done very much riding that day but thought to myself "hmm one more shouldn't hurt" . Did a pedal up and went trough my back, probably because I had already stressed my body too much. Couldn't walk the first 2 days and it's seems like it will take quite a while to recover. It would probably be fine if I had just stopped those last 15min :(

Oh dear, NEVER say this, I have lost count of the amount of times I have said this skating, BMX, Downhill, trials etc and it has hurt.

You would have thought I would have learn by now.

List of injuries: Broken and dislocated ankle, broken and dislocated shoulder (Where my shoulder blade smashed a 'hactchet fracture into the ball of my shoulder joint and stuck there), broken collar bones, broke pretyy much all my fingers at some point, broken upper arm, broken left thigh bone, broken both knees, broken hip (got a noo one now made o Titanium) broken shin, broken right ankle, broken most of my ribs, broken jaw, fractured skull.

All these injuries were preventable, I am more careful/wary/chicken these days

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List of injuries: Broken and dislocated ankle, broken and dislocated shoulder (Where my shoulder blade smashed a 'hactchet fracture into the ball of my shoulder joint and stuck there), broken collar bones, broke pretyy much all my fingers at some point, broken upper arm, broken left thigh bone, broken both knees, broken hip (got a noo one now made o Titanium) broken shin, broken right ankle, broken most of my ribs, broken jaw, fractured skull.

At least your hip is lightweight :giggle:

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Well, been reading through this thread and i reckon i can beat you all for injuries, maybe not for funniness but ....this hurt, alot.



Fractured skull,

broken neck.

broken jaw,

broken cheek bone,

broken nose,

a nice gash on my chin,

and a nice 6 hour op that came 6 months after the accident.

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One time I was riding someone's bike and they had the brakes the wrong way round (spanish bike) and I completly forgot I went as fast as I could put all my weight forward and shouted "watch this skid!" then pulled the front brake by mistake. I went flying and scratched all my face up and the back of my ear.

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Was out riding last year. Was in town and my crossover snapped right at the barb. Just as I rode up to the front of my house, I forgot my brake didn't work and went to go up to back on a curb. Obviously brake didn't work and the barb tore a hole in my thigh. Went to hospital and they said the hole was too big to stitch so they bandaged me up and I couldn't ride/walk for nearly 3 weeks. Worst thing was when I got home and found my flesh from my leg on the barb on my rear brake :sick: Brought a braided crossover the next day and never looked back.

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Was out riding last year. Was in town and my crossover snapped right at the barb. Just as I rode up to the front of my house, I forgot my brake didn't work and went to go up to back on a curb. Obviously brake didn't work and the barb tore a hole in my thigh. Went to hospital and they said the hole was too big to stitch so they bandaged me up and I couldn't ride/walk for nearly 3 weeks. Worst thing was when I got home and found my flesh from my leg on the barb on my rear brake :sick: Brought a braided crossover the next day and never looked back.

:sick: Flesh on your bike :sick: how long were you in hospital for??

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