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What Does Everyone Do For A Living?


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Is it true about it being absolutely solid to reload so easily like they do in action films? Meant to be right complicated!

It's a pig, weighs SO much. And to reload it is a bitch.

You have the choice of semi-auto or pump. and to change between the two, you use the pump action, but not cocking the gun fully.

With practice, it'd be sweet. but VERY heavy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You'd be gobsmacked by how many people dial 999 for completley the wrong reasons. About one in 10 is a proper 999 call

Interesting job, funnily enough I was thinking the other day how I'd never heard of anyone doing that job.

I saw a think on the news a while back with some guy who kept calling 999 and then rapping down the phone - apparently you have to stay on the line for X amount of seconds before you can dismiss it as a prank/accidental call?

Do you get a lot of hoax calls and can you tell they're hoax?

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Interesting job, funnily enough I was thinking the other day how I'd never heard of anyone doing that job.

I saw a think on the news a while back with some guy who kept calling 999 and then rapping down the phone - apparently you have to stay on the line for X amount of seconds before you can dismiss it as a prank/accidental call?

Do you get a lot of hoax calls and can you tell they're hoax?

Sort of if it's clear that it's not an emergency then you tell them your going to clear the line and for them to call the local police. Once the call is passed by the BT operator it has to be follwed up. So if you ring 999 decide that it's not an emergency and put the phone down without speaking to anyone it has to be follwed up just incase.

Dont really get hoax's more just calls that arent 999 calls. Every call has to be follwed up pretty much becuase you just dont know what's happening on the end of the phone.

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  • 1 month later...

I work in 3 prisons in West Holland as a corrections officer , nights only . Trying to cut back and go to Airport security .

So if you ring 999 decide that it's not an emergency and put the phone down without speaking to anyone it has to be follwed up just incase.

Fascinating , ever had someone say all's well but you suspect they're under duress ?

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