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T-Rex, Cousteller St Blaise, Then...


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Well i figured it was about time i moved on from the rex. It served me well but as this was just laying around i thought i might as well...



Given it wa sexactly the same geometry pretty much and the components are the same it's amazing how much my riding progressed in such a short time on it. Now i've splashed out a bit more money though...



Better pics to follow shortly. Looking at getting some nice new bits for it and really treating myself with it now i'm enjoying riding so much.

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Well here's the other pictures. Got a couple of things i'd like doing with it still. Got a whole list of parts that i want to buy and in doing so i reckon i can shift another 1.3kg off the bike. Which would drop it in at well under 9kg!

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All that f**king camera technology you have in your house yet you use a crappy camera phone..They look terrible. What a waste of internetz valuable space and time. You should be ashamed of yourself.

P.S. Fix that sodding chain! Also, I'm sexy. Also, you're fat.

There nothing wrong with that chain other than the fact it's stronger than yours :P

Love those frames, and the tensioner looks swanky.

Only critism is that switch on which annoys me because I can't turn it off.

Cheers mate, switched it off for you now ;)

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