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Balancing On The Back Wheel


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been searching you tube for vidoes for tips but cant find any.

i have only just started learning and can just about get the front wheel up and balance for a few seconds but i think i have the wrong technique

once my front wheel is up im keeping my brakes full on and trying to balance the bike using my body

but should i be releasing the brake and using the crank to keep the wheel inthe air?

only been riding for 2 days so dont want to get into bad habits.

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  On 8/1/2010 at 12:09 PM, madmanic said:

been searching you tube for vidoes for tips but cant find any.

i have only just started learning and can just about get the front wheel up and balance for a few seconds but i think i have the wrong technique

once my front wheel is up im keeping my brakes full on and trying to balance the bike using my body

but should i be releasing the brake and using the crank to keep the wheel inthe air?

only been riding for 2 days so dont want to get into bad habits.

Hey there,

Just keep both brakes on, go onto your back wheel and hop and make sure your front wheel is high, these are called backhops, a very simple trick to help your balance too.

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  On 8/1/2010 at 12:31 PM, madmanic said:

i can get onto the back wheel but i struggle to keep it there.

just need to practice i know but its very frustrating


The link above should help you out, start at basics on the left hand side, and there should be something saying "trackstand".Its hard to explain but that helps your balance, and thats what i used to help my balance. Also that will help you on other tricks too. Hope i helped you out mate,


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  On 8/1/2010 at 12:41 PM, modifiedridah2k9 said:


The link above should help you out, start at basics on the left hand side, and there should be something saying "trackstand".Its hard to explain but that helps your balance, and thats what i used to help my balance. Also that will help you on other tricks too. Hope i helped you out mate,


already using that site. mastered the trackstand easily from years of mountain bike riding.

just need to get confident on the bike with lifting the bars high as it feels un-natural.

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Hey mate, firstly i don't believe you should be trying to balance on your backwheel without doing any hops at all,

because i think most people would struggle with that. You need to get up to the balancing point and then start your hops trying to keep your weight centered and keep your hops all in roughly the same place. After you've mastered this though you can go on to try kick-hops, these are backhops where you move forward ..by kicking your pedals.

Example: http://trashzen.com/animations/anpedalkick0a.php

And how: http://trashzen.com/pedal-kick-basics.php

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i have tried hopping when on the back wheel but i cant balance long enough to start hopping.

cant seem to find the balance point of he bike

but will try and hop more if that will help. i have been trying to get the blance right without hopping. will change my technique next time im on the bike

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  On 8/1/2010 at 4:53 PM, madmanic said:

i have tried hopping when on the back wheel but i cant balance long enough to start hopping.

cant seem to find the balance point of he bike

but will try and hop more if that will help. i have been trying to get the blance right without hopping. will change my technique next time im on the bike

Whatever works for you mate, you'll get the hang of it don't worry :)


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  On 8/1/2010 at 4:56 PM, Horndean Trials said:

Whatever works for you mate, you'll get the hang of it don't worry :)


i know it takes time but its really frustrating as without being able to balance there is little i ran do.

only been riding 2 days and have managedto learn to swap from front wheel to back wheel. cant quite land the back wheel on the same spot the front wheel was on but can go far enough to get me up a kerb.

my arms and shoulders are hurting. done about 7 hours of riding yesterday and today

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mega eager to learn i have been out on the bike again trying to get the bounce going and im pleased to say i have managed a few.

not mastered it but i can get a couple of bounces going

just need to learn how far to lean back and how high to lift the bars

thanks for the advice guys

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  On 8/1/2010 at 8:12 PM, madmanic said:

mega eager to learn i have been out on the bike again trying to get the bounce going and im pleased to say i have managed a few.

not mastered it but i can get a couple of bounces going

just need to learn how far to lean back and how high to lift the bars

thanks for the advice guys

See that's it mate, you'll do a few today, a few more tommorow, and in a week or two of practising it you will have it dialed.

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very useful video but to be honest i dont care which way i hop lol as long as i hop. but backwards may help me keep my balance more

i seriously cant wait but have to keep reminding myself i have had the bike only a few days and it will take time

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  On 8/1/2010 at 9:04 PM, madmanic said:

very useful video but to be honest i dont care which way i hop lol as long as i hop . but backwards may help me keep my balance more

i seriously cant wait but have to keep reminding myself i have had the bike only a few days and it will take time

I don't care which way you hop either but this ^^^^^^^^^ is how to learn to do it.

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