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Jeremy Vanschoonhoven On America's Got Talent


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so all it's really doing is just raising people's awareness that there are bikes available with no seats. Judging from OTN, people are still none-the-wiser about what is actually going on with it from the way that people just say to riders "Oh, do you know that Jeremy guy?"

It's pretty much no different to going to a job interview and just completely lying about yourself, and putting across a totally false impression of who you really are.

I see your point but any kind of publicity for this sport is a good thing. Perhaps not by UK standards where it is recognised as a normal sport (at a guess?).

I know that the context of a TV show like this is totally different to a video, but doesn't that just highlight the fact that a shitty TV talent show isn't the right vehicle for promoting something like trials?

The Danny Mac vid is not a good example I think. You're talking about a phenomena, a video which has literally conquered the internet.

Talent shows will always be pretty shallow. It's up to the viewer to read up on whatever he's seen. But it's a start!

Regarding the vids I posted and Krystian who starred in them. Nowadays, I will even get old couples (70+) walking up to me when I'm riding and commenting on what I'm doing mentioning that it's called bike trials. Since it's a sport they've seen on the telly, they treat it a bit more specially than if it was something they haven't seen on the screen. On a few occasions I was also informed of what Krystian is up to nowadays and was asked if I know him. Personally I think I'm in a fairly good position to gauge how influencial a talent show is since trials is nowhere near as popular in Poland as it is in the UK - where I imagine the general public is aware of the existance of this sport and might even treat it as a detrimental activity. Over here, there has been a massive increase in awareness regarding this sport after Krystian appeared on TV. I treat it a bit too personally since I basically run the trials market in Poland but I'm also trying to promote this sport. Therefore I support any kind of publicity, be it just demo riding which as you say doesn't exactly reflect the sport, or a proper trials video making the front page of a newspaper.

Not sure what point I was trying to make but in essence - talent shows have a positive effect on how the sport is percieved by the public even if they don't really reflect the essence of trials.

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Well i was impressed that he has tryed so hard to get him self that far and to of even quit his own job to give him self a lot of practice.

For all the haters slagging him off can you do better? I mean would you have the balls to perform in front of that many people with flashing lights and loud music going constantly. I think he has showed himself really well and wants to get trials more well heard. I think he deserves a pat on the back ok... he messed up or rushed things but still he tryed his best.

Andy x

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I see your point but any kind of publicity for this sport is a good thing. Perhaps not by UK standards where it is recognised as a normal sport (at a guess?).

Nope, pretty much every ride I go on I get people asking what its called, how i do it, why i have no seat and holes in my rims etc.

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I have held back a little because I thought it would be a bit harsh to slate him, but Joe has pretty much said exactly what I was thinking.

Watching him ride is like watching tourretes on a bike, god know where he is going to land on some of those hops!

Now I am not normally one to slag riding, I am not the best rider in the world but I was also really crap for a long time but Jeremy has and AWFUL style! Do don't need to be a rider to tell someone is stylish, if they are hopping about with no apparent control rather than being confident on a bike with controlled hops and riding, which would the public prefer? Not to be big headed but I have had members of the public as well as parents at comps say I am nice to watch. They have never been shown riding before let alone know when it's good or not.

But yeah, I was embarrassed when watching him and suprised he got as far.

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He's never been in the "spotlight" before, and to do what he's doing on stage in front of millions, I think anyone would be nervous, which would make you a little sketchy.

A little sketchy?? The guy nearly gave me a heart attack when i watched him!!

I mean that he is one of the top riders. You get someone like Kenny Belaey, or Vincent Hermance all you're going to see is them do a few inches higher and few inches further, to the public and the judges it's not really going to make much of a difference.

Besides, AGT is about the show based around the talent it's self, and the person.

He is a top rider??? hahahaha. I could name about 100 riders, if not more that would make a better show than that.

I have held back a little because I thought it would be a bit harsh to slate him, but Joe has pretty much said exactly what I was thinking.

Watching him ride is like watching tourretes on a bike, god know where he is going to land on some of those hops!

Now I am not normally one to slag riding, I am not the best rider in the world but I was also really crap for a long time but Jeremy has and AWFUL style! Do don't need to be a rider to tell someone is stylish, if they are hopping about with no apparent control rather than being confident on a bike with controlled hops and riding, which would the public prefer? Not to be big headed but I have had members of the public as well as parents at comps say I am nice to watch. They have never been shown riding before let alone know when it's good or not.

But yeah, I was embarrassed when watching him and suprised he got as far.

Completely agree with Ali here. Good on him for getting where he did, but for the programme to advertise him as one of the best trials riders in the world put the sport to shame!!! Would someone be able to tell me what Jeremy Van-Spoon-Oven's current world ranking is??? didnt think so..... And to say he has been riding 15 years.... JESUS!

Joe Maher, LEGEND!! My wife is my sister, and my sister is my cousin, Grandma and daughter!!



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you don't need a world ranking to be one of the worlds best riders, but I agree that he isn't up there with them.

In theory you don't. But technically, no one can say he is better than any rider with a World Ranking. Whether they are ranked 1st or 101st.


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However... I doubt they could stop an American living in Britain from entering or a Brit living in the States from entering the Yank version. They'd be too scared of being scared for discriminating against someone.

yea i didnt want to come across as a dick in response to that boy. i was pretty sure you just have to be resident in the country in which the talent is required.

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And on that line... did the Cheeky Girls not audition for Britain's Got Talent a couple of years back? I'm just guessing of courses as I'd never watch that sort of shit... :-

No that was xfactor... or some shit.

You have to be a legal resident to enter which means I'm screwed for AGT.

...also don't have a talent.

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